Course Content
4 August 2024 : RGHP 160+ IQ / Sophie’s World / The Power Books “Skill Building”
“THE CAVE” Day #3 –> Self-Regulation : Recalibrating and Building Your Journey
The Radical Global Healing Plan Introduction
About Lesson


The Artist

Artists are the people who interpret and understand the world through Emotion, Intuition, and Feelings. They are Natural Creators who live and breathe on Self-Expression. They Connect the World through Song and Dance, Play and Beauty.


In order to understand, they must translate everything into Image, Music, Sculpting, Picture, Expression, Feelings. Imagination and Feelings are their Language.

When one seeks to better understand themselves, one of the most helpful subjects I discovered was the Artist, The Communicator, The Scientist.

In this group is also “The Philosopher,” which is for those who can equally Identify with all Three of these things.

There is no “one” answer. And balanced life is being skilled enough and aware enough to move and flow between all three of these Mindsets as needed.

The Artist is Self-Expression. You are tuned in to your Intuition and you flow easily with Translating Feeling and Emotion into Image into Art. It is almost as if you need no words.

The Artist is the Foundation to The Communicator and The Scientist. When an Artists reaches Tradesmen Level of Skill Building, they step into the world of Communicator. The Master Artist steps into The Science of Art.

Music, Song, and Dance are the closest to our Intuition (which is why Humans start with Music, Song, and Dance in early childhood).

Painting, Sculpting, and Drawing  introduces a more complex path of Translation occurring in the Mind that expands to Translation what you see into what you can create in front of you.

Reading, Writing, Theater, and Stage bridges the Artist into Communication where Self-Expression turns strongly into Transmission to Others, which lays a strong Foundation for Linguistics, Logic, and Math.

Knowing that you are an Artist in your Growth and Pilgrimage tells you a lot on how you “See the world” or how you require things to be translated so that you can understand them. It has everything to do with how you learn.

I am a Scientist and a Communicator, so, for me, in order to learn, I require the Theory and the Logic. But for my Daughter who is an Artist, she has to see it as a Creator. In order for me to communicate with her or teach her, I have to translate my lessons from Logic and Theory into Creation. She still uses Math, Logic, and Science, but she applies them to Art to understand and learn them.

Knowing who you are and how you process information plays a huge role in how you connect with the world, how you want to contribute to the world, and how you receive others.

Skill Building and Role of Purpose are the other two components that are key to how you learn, how you heal, and how you build your Healing Journey.

The Communicator

Communicators are the Cultivators of the World. They Bridge the gap between Minds. They are Healers-Teachers-Parents. The Voice, The Written Word, and Theater and Stage, Story, Logic and Math is their world.


In order for these people to understand, they must hear Story. They are Translators, first and foremost.

The Communicator, also known as The Cultivator, is the bridge that is often missed between The Artist and The Scientist.

I will be blunt. The world has grossly neglected the Communicator. Most of us are governed by Social Anxiety. Introverts struggle opening their Voices. We live in a Talking-Intolerant Culture and Social Media is where many people go to vent their unheard, silenced Voices.

To not be able to Communicate effectively in our culture is to be deemed “Insane.”

Teachers, Healers, Parents, Business Owners, Conflict Resolution, Ambassadors, Spokespersons, Networking, Theater and Stage, Linguists, Logicians, Readers, Writers, and Mathematicians all are Communicators and Cultivators.

Power Economics and Emotional Transaction of Human Circuitry is the Core Ship and Engine required by Communicators and Cultivators to accomplish their purpose.

Knowing who you are and how you process information plays a huge role in how you

connect with the world, how you want to contribute to the world, and how you receive others.

For Communicators, it is all about taking Information from Point A (A Transmitter and/or Yourself) to Point B (A Receiver and/or A Student). Translation, Language, Human Connection… all of these things integrate into a dance that enables the Receiver to Receive smoothly and with ease.

Regardless of what you are, regardless of Skill Building and Role of Purpose, everyone plays the role of Communicator. The only one exempt from this are hermits. I often say, it doesn’t matter how smart you are or what knowledge or ideas you may have. If you cannot communicate your idea effectively from Point A to Point B, then your idea dies with you.

For this reason, The Science of Comprehension is one we heavily focus on in Triadic Healing.

Skill Building and Role of Purpose are the other two components that are key to how you learn, how you heal, and how you build your Healing Journey.

The Scientist

These are the people who must understand How the World works. They are Pioneers of Reality, always pushing the boundaries of “what is accepted” and “What is real.” They are Explorers in uncharted lands.


They require Order, Mathematical Sequencing, the Reason Why in order to Understand. Without the Why or the Logical Progression, they will be confused, lost, disoriented. Everything is understood by them through Relativity to the last thing understood.


The Scientist is one that many people shrink from. I was a scientist most of my life and had no idea because “I was a girl.” I grew up with papers plastered all over my wall identical to A Beautiful Mind. I had boxed (I mean, 40+ Bank Boxes) that my Daughter calls “Mad Scientist Notes” that contained all of my research from 1992 to Present.

What makes a Scientist a Scientist is the Pioneering, the Trial and Error, the Curiosity or “pushing the boundaries” of Knowledge, the Standard of Proof, the dedication to Truth that is 100% absent from Bias. The Pursuit of Knowledge. Above all else, it is the Team of all Scientists working together, each on their own piece to the vast puzzle, that depicts a little more of the Truth.

It is the dedication and the pursuit of Knowledge, Truth, and Reality.

It is not the degree that makes anyone a Scientist. It is their passion and dedication for the pursuit of Knowledge. It is the courage to ask the questions most are terrified of asking.

The Scientist asks it anyway and ventures into the great unknown. Don’t wait for someone to tell you what you are. If Curiosity and Wonder is how you live, think, and process the world, then this is who you are. Don’t let your Skill Level define what you are.

Knowing who you are and how you process information plays a huge role in how you connect with the world, how you want to contribute to the world, and how you receive others.

Skill Building and Role of Purpose are the other two components that are key to how you learn, how you heal, and how you build your Healing Journey.

Can you have more than one Core Language? 


Yes! You can have a Primary and a Secondary Language. You can develop Skills over your lifetime to enhance any one of these. More research is required to understand. 

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