Course Content
The Theory of Love
About Lesson

The Perspective Span is the memory and relatability any one Individual can retain within their own Perspective. You know your perspective. You may be able to remember some things from your previous perspective. You may be able to communicate with ease with the Perspectives on either side of you. 


For Example: At this time, I am 7th Perspective of the You of I. I can recall the Comfort of the 6th Perspective… and that is it. I have to refer to all of my notes on all previous perspectives because I have absolutely little to no memory of what I learned within each Perspective or what it felt like. 


Some moments stick out to me as core memories, like with the 7th Transition, the 8th Transition, and the 10th. I remember the day I felt the Logic flood me with the 11th. But that is it. Milestones stand out, but the details are forgotten memories that have been logged away. 


To date, I have not been able to meet anyone who can recall beyond the span of three perspectives which consists of their own perspective and their two neighboring perspectives.  

Based on my research and personal lab experience, I found that I lost perspective memory of the former perspective within 3 days of shifting into the next Perspective. I call that period “Normalizing.”

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