Anna’s Healing Garden I will make this very clear. 100% of my Work is a result of Philosophy. Nothing more. Nothing less. This is what Philosophy can do. This is what Philosophy is for. This World — The State of things as they are — is what happens when you remove Philosophy from The World. – Anna Imagination. Welcome To Lab QED Location #4 Most people don’t know where Education and Knowledge come from. Knowledge and Education is MINED from The Universe by Scientists! But any one can do it! This Is How We Do It I am like a Farmer on The Farm… with Bessie. I am a Scientist in The Lab… with The Universe. The Farmer milks The Cow… Bessie The Scientist Mines The Universe… Mother Nature. Trucks arrive at the Farm to carry the Food From the Farm to The Distribution Center where the Food is Cleaned, Sorted, and Packaged for Delivery. Knowledge Distributors arrive at Lab QED to carry The Knowledge from The Ashavana Archives to Lab QED’s Knowledge Distribution Center — The University Emporium — Where the Knowledge is Cleaned, Sorted, and Packaged for Delivery. Food Distributors then take the “Food” from “The Distribution Centers” to The Grocery Stores where Parents and People can Buy Food for their Families! Knowledge Distributors take the “Knowledge” from “The Distribution Center” — The University Emporium — to Schools where Teachers can Get Knowledge for their Students! Sometimes, Restaurants buy food direct from The Distribution Center. Sometimes, Universities and Corporations buy Knowledge direct from The University Emporium. The Farmer’s Market is where The People can buy Freshly Farmed Food straight from The Farmer. Lab QED is where The People can get Freshly Mined Knowledge straight from The Scientist. Most of The People who visit Lab QED are our Knowledge Distributors and Ambitious DIY Self-Learners like Philosophers, Scientists, Psychologists, Pilgrims, Life-Learners, Teachers, World Leaders, Societal Solutionists, Ethical Leaders, Governments, and Professors who need Our Science Lab Archives and Records NOW. Only Members of Community Gaia may access Our Distribution Center. Join Community Gaia Also, we have The Press, Non-Scholars, and Grade-School Teachers with their Students coming to our Lab to learn “How Knowledge is Made.” Begin The Lab QED Tour