About Us

About The Healing Garden

Anna Imagination started The Healing Garden May 2022 with the Mission and goal to provide Ethical Leaders with a respite in a Narcissistic and Unethical World. Within this Respite, Anna envisioned a place where Ethical Leaders could get all the resources required to not just pursue, but obtain an Ethical, Rich, Happy, Healthy, and Prosperous Life.

What began as A Healing Journey Plan and Walkthrough, evolved into a University where Ethical Leaders can get the quality education they have been craving all of their lives.

About Alexandria

Ethical Leaders require an Ethical Education designed by Ethical Leaders for Ethical Leaders. It is the only way to become an Ethical Leader. But our current Educational System was built by Unethical Followers who were groomed into Obedience. Up until now, Ethical Leaders have learned to do the best with what they have done.

“Just figure it out” and “Use your Intuition” was the cherished wisdom passed down from Ethical Leader to Ethical Leader. Each Innovative Mind saying the same thing, “I can’t tell you exactly how I did it. You just have figure it out for yourself.”

This practice is what occurs in Trial and Error Learning where Theory and Philosophy are undefined.

This is what makes Alexandria and The Healing Garden so unique is that our material is 100% based off of Philosophy, Logic, Math, and Physics to explain and provide the Application, Technique, and Theory behind Ethical Happiness, Wealth, Health, and Success.

The Healing Garden and Alexandria marks the end of Trial and Error Learning in Parenting, Teaching, Ethics, Power Economics, and Success.

Meet Anna Imagination

Anna walks into your Palace Halls (In my mind, you live in a palace and I am your honored guest).

I am dressed in a Bard’s Clothes that says, “This person is a Philosopher who lives on the road. She may have a ship where she lives as a Pirate as she sails from Village to Village… She’s part Storyteller, Philosopher, Pilgrim, Sage, and Bard. And she has a Passion for business and Free Market.”

I bow respectfully to you, dearest reader, and say, “It is my most honored privilege to be at your Advantage.

“I am come from the lands beyond The System. My Perspective was birthed beyond the Lands of The Material Planes for I grew up on the Other Side of The System. And thus, I see things that others do not see. No Perspective is quite like mine.

“And I have with me My Box of Resources filled with Treasures for you.

But first, I wish to say to you that I come in Peace and Friendships and a deep passion for the Love of Mankind.

My first gift to you is a Peace Offering and a Story.

Once upon a time…

There was a girl named Anna who was abused so horribly and for so long that she preserved and sheltered her Mind by locking it up in the Abstract, far, far way from the Material Plane and Society for 32 years while her Alters “ran the show.”

Desperate to escape her abusers, Anna dedicated her life to the study of Philosophy, Physics, Logic, and all the Academic Disciplines for the answers that would allow her to escape the Domesticated Slavery and Horror she was raised in.

For 40 years, she suffered, never stopping, always searching and then researching, locking her mind away in the Ancient Greek Educational System and the Great Books. There, she dedicated her time to learning so she could escape her abusers and be free.

40’s years later, in 2020, she did, at last escape.

Free for the first time in her life, she used her knowledge to build a Prosthetic Subconscious Mind, which cured her of 5 “incurable” Mental Illness all in 1 year including Multiple Personality Disorder… but not before she and her Alters used the Switching to Map out and Learn all there was to know about The Subconscious Mind, for they too had lived for 40 years within the Abstract of the Mind.

Within that year, ALL her 30+ years of knowledge were returned to her as her memories returned, and she realized that she was an Ontological Physicist, and a Philosopher Bard who LOVED Business, people, and Education…

Forced to climb from the Sewers Of Nothing, Anna with 2 of her 3 children, climbed out of the Trenches and built a University Alexandria and The Healing Garden to heal people and revive the Lost Sciences of Human Propagation and Comprehension that she found hidden in the Ancient Greek Educational System.

Still climbing, she reaches the summit of her dreams… Alone, and only with her 2 children who she supports, Anna set out to find the Ethical Free life of Abundance and Success… And she is almost there.”

At this, Anna ended her story and bowed.

My second Gift to you is an invitation to my Box of Resources and my Wisdom.

Anna’s Box of Resources
For parents, I have Ethical Parenting : Preserving Mother Nature’s Subconscious Mind in Ethical Parenting that Empowers Self-Authority, Independence, and Optimum Mental Wealth and Prosperity in both your Children and Your Inner Child.

For Healers and Wellness-Minded Spirits, I have, Triadic Healing for Healers : Introducing Pythagorean Psychology (The 2,000+ years of Ancient Greek Psychology) Say “goodbye” to Freud.

For Ethical Leaders, I have “Build-A-Business” Dream to Z Walkthrough… for a Business is actually A Materialized Dream, a Vision of You and your Realized Potential.

For Pilgrims, I have The Meaning of Life : A Pilgrim’s Journey Pursuit of Truth where you are invited into the Point of Comprehension and The Rod of Truth where all Lies become Visible to All.

For All of Humanity, I have The User’s Manual For The Subconscious Mind and The AIDNS (Abstract Intra-Dimensional Navigational System) and the Prosthetic Subconscious Mind with the Map and the Instruction Manual so you too can Discipline your Mind into Peaceful Submission.

For the Tempest Tossed and Forlorn, I have Problem Prevention : An “A to Z” Course on Critical Thinking and Problem Solving so that you may overcome any and all life obstacles that you may encounter along your Life Path because we all have suffered enough.

For the Meek, The Victims, The Lost, and The Lonely, I offer you Abuse Proof You : The Abuser’s Tool Box; Learning all their “Magic Tricks” so you can “Break Their Spell” so that you may know your Enemies always.

And thus, Anna closed her box and looked to you Dear Reader.

“My third gift to you is my Vulnerability and my Truth,” Anna said.

My mind is different. Because my abuse made me. And to protect me, I had to live in story.

And now, I cannot stop. “Healed” apparently means “True to The Self” and “Purged of all Lies,” and thus, I am. This is me.

I know I’m different, and I don’t know how to be like you to fit in. So I don’t try. Instead, I embrace what I am. These are my scars.

This is my Truth.

I grew up in the Stories of the World’s Greatest Minds. I fled into Cervantes and Shakespeare to survive. I enveloped myself in the World of Ancient Alexandria and studied alongside Plato to live.

I wish to find a place to Belong with you all on the Material Plane. But alas, I cannot fit in. I cannot lie. I cannot wear a mask. My abuse was too deep for too long. The Story of Great Minds and The Abstract is My Culture.

These are the Scars of Abuse.

My fourth gift to you is Nutritional Knowledge like you have never heard of or seen before. I am a foreigner, a stranger to your customs, your mindset, and your ways. I see Truth and I see Lies.

I had to in order to escape.

My fourth gift is my Logical Comprehension and Science of the World as I see it from the Point of Comprehension. For my Master, Plato, taught me Physics, Logic, Math, and All he knew of Life, Humanity, and the Human Being.

How Anna Educates and Teaches Others:
I teach you as My Master taught me, empowering Education for your Independence + your Self-Authority so you can always spot a Fake Authority + Nutritional Knowledge so you know HOW to Solve your problem +> The Problem Solved. THIS is EDUCATION.

100% of what I teach always comes with your Education to EMPOWER your Self-Authority so that you don’t need the Teacher anymore. You will always learn the Knowledge you need + The Theory so you don’t need a second lesson from me, ever. Independence + Self-Authority + Nutritional Knowledge = The Healing Garden Educational System, which is my Home within the Abstract.

People of The Material Plane have told me that I should not be on Social Media. What do you think?

People of The Material Plane have told me that I should hide who I really am so I can sell to you.

But I believe in Humanity. I believe in the Wisdom of People. I most believe that you are starved for ANYTHING that is Genuine and REAL. And I know just how very real the Abstract really is.

You use my Culture’s Money, my Time, and my Imagination and Dreams… you use my Mathematics. And all of these things are of The Abstract. Are they not real?

So I think you are more than ready for me. Because I am the first thing that has crossed your path that is as True Real. And I am an Ontological Physicist with 30+ years in Pythagorean Psychology. I know exactly what Real is and what it is not.

Never trust a Teacher who can’t teach you how to become independent of them. Anything less than that is “feeding a man fish” to ensure they come back to you the next day to eat. Is that Education? Or Enslavement?

Are you ready to explore The Truth?

DM me. Let me know if you would be interested in one of my Philosophy Masterclasses.

At this, I bow once more to you, and turning away, I respectfully leave your Palace halls, leaving my Box of Resources behind.

Explore Anna’s Box of Resources.

About Anna Imagination

Anna Imagination is the Ambassador of The Abstract, dedicated to break the 4th Wall between the Abstract World and the Material Plane. She is officially diagnosed “Impossible” and “Does not exist.” She grew up inside a Societal Crack that leaves her without a place inside the Material Plane.

Anna Imagination is the Ambassador of The Abstract, dedicated to break the 4th Wall between the Abstract World and the Material Plane. She is officially diagnosed “Impossible” and “Does not exist.” She grew up inside a Societal Crack that leaves her without a place inside the Material Plane.

To help others understand her, she has adopted the personification of A Storybook Character who has stepped from the World of the Abstract.

“This world does not belong to the Material Plane. It belongs to both the Abstract and the Material Plane. And to understand The Subconscious Mind and Mental Health… Well now… Now you are stepping into my world.”

Concrete Thinkers and Literal Thinkers struggle to understand The Abstract. But the Solutions that the World seeks are found within The Abstract, and it’s time to bring down The 4th Wall.

Anna Imagination is a Philosopher Bard and Ontological Physicist of 30+ Years. She is a freed Domesticated Slave of 40 years who came back from the Stigma of Mental Illness. She has been to the end of Insanity, seen the world of Catatonic Mind, and translates all she has learned from Abstractic into Common Tongue for the Layman.

Anna Imagination never conformed to The Box. 100% of her Unethical Follower Education was supplemented by Plato’s Curriculum, which began in 1995. Anna is a Life-Long Learner who has done little else, but learn since 1984 when she pointed out the Logical Fallacy: God is Love. God is Perfect. God is Jealous. And thus Anna began a pursuit for the Ultimate Question, “What is Love?”

She further pondered the questions:

  • How does you learn?
  • What is Education?
  • How do you become a good parent?
  • How do you have healthy relationships?
  • How do you Socialize and make friends?
  • How do you get rich?
  • Is it Unethical to be wealthy?
  • How do you overcome Mental Illness?

By December 2023, Anna accomplished all, but one of her missions. Today, her education is that of an Ontological Physicist, a Philosopher Bard, and an Oralstorian.

Her work in Philosophy led to her discovery of Vitalogy, Human Propagation, The 12 Ethics of Perspective Growth, Emotional Transaction of Human Circuitry, Power Economics, The Science of Comprehension, and Abstract-Dimensional Living.

These Academic Core Subjects are the backbone of Triadic Healing where Anna provides them to Ethical Leaders en masse.


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