Become a Gardener

A Gardener is a person.

At The Healing Garden, PEOPLE are NOT Resources. People are the Cultivators and The Gardeners. Each one with their own powers, skills, and Generating Abilities to create, built, destroy, and heal the world, themselves, people, and others.


Gardeners are Guardians.


Gardeners are Cultivators.


Gardeners are Lightworkers.


A Gardener is a Lightworker, Cultivator, or Healer who simply desires to Learn and Do Better to help others. The Power of Choice belongs 100% to the Gardener. There is no obligation. No requirements. Just a Conscious Choice and Desire to live Ethically and Logically with Love.


No one evaluates you or judges you to check in on you. You decide how much is good for you. We are here if you want, wish, or need.


Our Gardeners receive Unconditional Love, Unconditional Belonging, and Forgiveness. Always.

Love. Logic. Ethics. This is what The Healing Garden is built on.

If you are new to The Healing Garden, we recommend Triadic Healing Part #1a to get a sample of what we do here.


Also, you can view our “brochure” and learn more about who we are, what we are, where we came from, and why we are here.

If you are here because you’ve researched us and you want to start the Journey of becoming a Gardener and/or you want to access Triadic Healing Part #1b, you can subscribe here.

Thank you and may the kindest of words always find you.



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