
An Ethic is a life lesson, a feeling and moral State of Being we Value that is learned within a Perspective Mindset.

The Mindset (Perspective) comes with a set number of variables that, when integrated, creates the next Perspective. Much like we “graduate” from one Perspective to the next. The learning of one set of variables and the passing on to the next Perspective is Growth. Growth is Learning.

When Ethical Perspectives are studied, one learns very quickly that Mental Health, Learning, and Growth, Physics and Economics are all the same thing and are relative to our rate of growth or frequency. Stop learning and Emotional Energy halts, growth stops, and the surplus of Emotional Energy results in Cognitive Dissonance (Out-of-Phase Signals) that creates Mental Illness.

Every Ethic has its own Frequency that a Human Begin vibrates at. When one is forced to remain in a Mindset that is not theirs, they are “compressing” their Natural Frequency into a different Frequency not theirs resulting in ADHD.

The more Ethical you become, the more Logical you become, the more Cognitive Dissonance you have if you do not live true to your Ethics.

The Learning of an Ethic is a type of Swinging Pendulum that moves back and forth. The swinging of this “Pendulum” produces Energy (Potential Energy being Transferred to Kinetic Energy via our Choices). But the Ethics are a descending Spiral where every 180 degree counter-clockwise rotation is equal to one swing of the Pendulum, producing an Electromagnetic Field within us.

When growth stops, the Pendulum “freezes” and “Black and White” Binary Mindset and Scarcity Mindset results. Learn the Ethics, restart the Learning Pendulum, and “Spectrum” Thinking and Abundance Mindset continues. The True Frequency of the Individual is restored, and the Cognitive Dissonance ends when In-Phase Signals harmonize.

The lesson learned at each Perspective is “The Ethic,” which is then integrated into our Cognitive Core and becomes the tool required for mastery in the next Perspective Stage.

This process is referred to as “The 12 Ethical Stages of Perspective Growth.

The Characteristics of every Ethic

If you want to learn more about these Characteristics and what they mean, you can read more here.

Academic Logic of Study

The Stage of Processing

The Learning Stage

  • Your Authority
  • Your Value
  • Your Priority
  • Your Ethic
  • Your Strength
  • Your Weakness
  • Your Challenge
  • Your Indulgence
  • Your Avoidance / Aversion

Consequences of not Learning The Ethic

These attributes make up your Perspective “Accessibility” and they determine your Perspective “Visibility.”

This is why no one will see, understand, or practice an Ethic unless and until they arrive at the relative Perspective to that Ethic.


“Why don’t these Millennials today act accountable for anything!?” – An Angry Baby Boomer

“Because they have not yet completed the Trial of the 5th Ethic, which is “Accountability.” – Anna Imagination


The Ethical “To Do” List for Courage

Academic Logic of Study: Music, Song, and Dance

The Stage of Processing: Feeling and Intuition

The Learning Stage: Indulge A (Avoid B)

  • Your Authority : The Mother (Caregiver)
  • Your Value : The Approval and Acceptance of The Mother (Caregiver)
  • Your Priority : Keeping The Mother (Caregiver) Proud
  • Your Ethic : NA
  • Your Strength : Curiosity, Boredom, Exploration, Excitement
  • Your Weakness : Too Safe, Too Comfortable, No Proof of Concept
  • Your Challenge : Overcoming Fear to Indulge on Adventure
  • Your Indulgence : Safety / Love
  • Your Avoidance/Aversion : Risk and Adventure / Fear / Discomfort

Consequences of not Learning The Ethic: Courage is really the Ethic obtained from “winning” the battle between “Love” and “Fear.” It is


Courage For Parents and Teachers

Courage For Parenting The Self

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