The more I build these Courses, the more I begin to comprehend the full extend of where my life is leading me.
For every thing I integrate into Simplification, the less Energy I spend, and I obtain Hyper Return.
I am a firm believer in the Math:
Integrated Work > Low Energy < Higher Value
Disintegrated Work < High Energy > Low Value
And sure enough, I just Integrated more Work, which led to Less Energy Cost, and Higher Value.
The shift in my mind had caused me even greater ease.
I often sit in my little apartment in Brooklyn and I look out the window. I know I’m making history. It’s one of the reasons why I was careful to document so much of this.
The Forbidden Fruit Paradox was a massive obstacle for me to overcome.
I just realized, also, I can add my Journal here for the Voyeurs of Innovation.
These are things I thought I would have to wait 20 years for. Instead, here they are for me. I’m dumbfounded despite the math all adding up.
The Mind is meant to be Integrated in its purest form. This is The Human’s True State of Being.
I know, over the next 6 month to a year, we will be witnessing a vast Integration.
I know now that I will be posting my Podcast Philosophical Coffee, here in my Course Material.
Everything is coming together.
I am at peace.
Anna Imagination