Course Content
The Salmon Of Knowledge : The Logic of Learning
About Lesson

It intimidates. 

Intimidation is not a Learning Environment. 

Intimidation is what bullies practice, and when you are dealing with a Population broken by Bullies… Intimidation shoots yourself in the foot. 

You are trying to Cultivate inside a Trauma-Induced Society and a Rape Culture. The first thing you need to do is to surrender the Authority to come down to Equal Footing (6th Ethic). 

The Subconscious Mind does not “Open to Receive” (2nd Ethic) a lesson until and unless they feel Safe and Free to do so. 

Safe and Free. 

Everyone who has ever been abused was abused by someone in a Position from the Higher Advantage. What are you doing expecting to Influence Victims from the Higher Advantage?

Immediately, you have lost most of your Audience.

You have to gain their trust. 

You cannot gain their trust as effectively from a position of Higher Advantage. What you seek to be is a Leader. But people are not given Leadership skills. 

Here, we will be providing you with this instruction.  

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