Course Content
The Theory of Love
About Lesson

28 February 2024


I woke this morning with a new-found wide eyed comprehension of what I’ve built. My work did not begin as a Thesis as so many Scientists begin. “I want a device that computes all the variables that define and make up a Human Being so we can use a Mathematical algorithm to diagnose people!” 


This is how many Mathematicians, Philosophers, Physicists, Chemists, and Scientists begin their Journey into Research. They have the Purpose to Find their Treasure. 


I was not a Treasure Hunter. I took a different approach to my Science Journey into Research. Without a map, I walked into the jungle armed only with my Intuition, my sense of Exploration and Adventure, and a shovel. 


If Monkey D. Luffy were to go treasure hunting, I think this is how he would do it. For the Adventure and quite by accident. Monkey D. Luffy is my Spirit Animal. 


I followed the Logical Stepping Stone of Intuition very much in the Spirit of the StarShip Enterprise. To boldly go where no man had gone before! Into the Depths of the Abstract, past the boundaries of Defined Sanity… and when I found an Anomaly, I followed it, which led to another anomaly… and then another…


I began mapping what I found. I logged and journaled my entire voyage. “I found something out here in the Delta Quadrant. For the pursuit of knowledge, 

we’re going in.”


I found pieces and components of The Self. I named them. I collected them. I noticed the components I found had Patterns and were Common Denominators of each and every 8 Billion of us. 


“Fascinating,” I would say and put them in my pocket. 


And, on 17 January 2024, I realized these Components could be integrated into the Parent Whole : The AIDNS (Abstract Intra-Dimensional Navigational System). Which resembled an atom. It still very much looks like an atom. The Human Atom, I call it.


Last night, as I fell asleep, I realized that the AIDNS was an Equation composed of multiple Variables. And this morning, upon waking, I realized that what I had been doing this entire time was actually building the Multi-Variable and Highly Complex Mathematical Equation and Algorithm that is The Human Being.


“I have been building a Mathematical Equation.” I sip my coffee. “Huh.” Only yesterday I told my Team that I have built an Algorithm so people can “take a quiz,” which will identify the missing or obstructed components and variables of their AIDNS so the computer will provide a Diagnostics on their AIDNS and generate a corresponding “Healing Journey” so they can fix it. 


That is this book. The break down of all the Identified and Defined Components of the AIDNS that is the Mathematical Equation of the Human Being. The Human Atom. 


I began with Logic. I built all of it on Logic. And then I tested it. Then I plugged in the corresponding Math, Geometry, and Physics. And now… I am presenting it to you. 

Most Mathematicians would publish this in a Mathematics Journal and gain buzz within the Math community. I have my sites set a little higher. I’m thinking, “Any one with a Subconscious Mind needs this thing. Not just Math people.” And my agenda is to help others. Not become “the latest buzz” in the math community. 

There are 12 variables of people in this world. 12 Variations of us. I love the Number 12. It is very diverse and flexible. Like an infinite Rubix Cube. The Theory of Love is written for the Science-Minded, Neurodivergent Nerd.


Breaking Delusion  is written for the Artist and Story Lover Variant. 


Becoming Zarathustra is written for the Philosopher Variant of People and breaks down the Learning Process of Mother Nature using Logic, Math, and Physics to access, what many people refer to as “The God Code.”


Broken is the prequel to all of my work as is written for anyone seeking hope and understanding.   


I have plans in place to make a script for the Common Variant of People (Foundationals).


“I just came out here with excitement, curiosity, the Spirit of Adventure, and a shovel. I had no expectations or plans on finding anything,” I say this morning while sipping my coffee. I shake my head as I stare at the Mathematical Treasure lying before me.


I am still very much in the stages of Disbelief. Acceptance will soon set in, and my Cognitive Core will then finish processing this new information and add it to the inventory of my Logical Database. Then it will condense the data into the Summation that is my Perspective.


And then life goes on. By the end of this book, that paragraph will make full and complete sense to you. And you too will track the data and the process as information goes into you, computes, and summarizes things into your Perspective. 


Happy Computations to you.







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