Choice > Self-Authority > Confidence (The Starting Point)
Of all the work I do, when I say to people that this is the “Start” of all Healing, I mean it. People who do not heal are different than people who do heal. That difference is Choice. The people who do heal Choose to Choose. The people who don’t heal, Choose to not choose.
Choosing to not choose looks like:
- Believing in Destiny and Fate
- Believing you have no control over your life
- Believing that a god predetermines your life
- Believing that life “just happens” to you
- Believing that you can’t change the things you can’t control
- Believing that you can’t
Choosing to Choose looks like
- Believing that you can have your Destiny and Fate, but you will take the safest and most fun path to get there.
- Believing that options are given to you and you can follow, ignore, or reject those options
- Believing that when “life happens” you can problem solve a solution to make it easier, simpler, or enjoyable even
- Believing that you can change the things you can’t control by choosing to deny access to those things or by choosing to allow better people into your life
- Believing that you can
- Believing that when you “can’t” that you choose to learn or problem solve until you “can”
Choosing removes Fear. It annihilates it. Fear is a direct result of choosing to not choose. When you choose, Fear goes away. The more you choose, the less Fear you have. As you will learn in this book, Fear is equal to how little you don’t choose.
Anxiety is a direct result of not taking action on your Choices.
Choosing fuels Self-Authority, which produces Confidence and Self-Esteem. The more you Choose, the more Control you will have, the more Powerful you will feel over your own life. The More Self-Control you will realize you have, the stronger you will feel.
Choosing is contagious. Once you Master Choice, the rest of the process and training taught in this book steam rolls your life into action. Applying Choice to Love. Dream. Do. = Happiness ignites it. And when you add The Philosopher’s Compass to this equation, you will be formidable.
I revisit Choice, Love, Dreams, and Action a lot in this book because this is at the heart and core of this work. The sooner you prioritize, practice, and perfect Your Power of Choice, Your Self-Love, Your Dreams, and your Taking Action, the sooner your healing will propel your life forward into everything you’ve ever wanted.