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The Theory of Love
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Logical Beliefs


We hear a lot about “limiting beliefs.” But let’s delve deeper into what those are. Limiting Beliefs do not materialize out of thin air. They are formed through logical proofs in our minds. 


A Logical Belief is a Conclusion. 

A conclusion can be false or correct depending on the Premise used to build the Logical Conclusion. 


A Premise is a Clause, information, or a Statement used in a Logical Proof to build an argument to get a Conclusion. A Premise can also be evidence, experience, and other Conclusions used to create an argument. 


A conclusion is only correct when all of the Premises used in the argument are correct. 

One single False Premise – Literally, this is called a False Premise –  will make the Conclusion False.

In  Logical Proof the Conclusion can be Incorrect, the Premise can be Incorrect, but also the Logical Deduction can also be Incorrect. This is when Logicians say, “The Argument is Sound” or a “Sound Logical Argument.” 


Furthermore, when we talk about Self-Trust and Faith, we are actually referring to our own ability to make a Sound Argument within our Cognitive Core. 


You have to know and believe, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that your Logic is Sound. Without this solid Trust and Faith within Self-Logic, Abuser’s get in and can (and do) tamper with the Premise and alter your Logical Argument.


In fact, this is exactly how Abuser’s get in. They argue and make noise (a Distraction) while you are trying to sort out your own Logical Deductions in your head. 


I call this Point in Logical Deduction “The Abuser’s Door.” It is a known and practiced tactic among skilled Abusers that Distracting a Victim at the Point of The Abuser’s Door *is* how they gain trust of a Victim in their state of Vulnerability. 


This is the only time when you will feel the emotion, Confusion. Skilled Abusers will use Confusion to Distract you then swoop in during your state of Vulnerability and play The Hero, gaining your Trust. This is how Skilled a Narcissist and Rapist move. And they move fast. This is it right here. 


Use Confusion as a Red Flag. If you are at a party and you feel confused. BE AWARE. When you feel Confused, drink nothing and go to the bathroom. Pause and Think. Decline all of their help. The second part of The Abuser’s Door is to “offer you help,” which gains your Trust, making the Villain and Abuser appear like a “Nice Guy.”


Self-Doubt – Trust in the Self – is the core cause of poor Logical Health.


Without education on where and how beliefs are formed, the average individual has both False Premise and Poor Logic leading to False Conclusions that are then used as “Limiting Beliefs.” 


This Logical Line inside of us is a series of Conclusions or Limiting Beliefs that we use to decide everything in our lives. 

Our Ethics are measured against it. 

Our Identities conflict with it. 

Our Logic Fights against it. 

Our Name is decided from the conclusions drawn from it. 

Our Perspective Realities are Formed from it. 


A Union Divided against itself cannot stand. 


Our Logical Health determines all of this. 


When I tell people, “I found the cure to Mental Illness,” this… this is it. This is the cure to mental illness. The Logical Proofs in our head that conflict with our Identity. The Invasive Frequencies that cause Resistance, Fracture, and Divide within the Self.  


I have someone in my life who is very special to me. 


I love him. (Identity)

Evidence showed, for a time, that I was bad for his Mental Health (Ethics)

I believed we could not recover from this (Beliefs)

Our Name for each other was Undefined. We could not Determine what the “relationship” was or if it even was not. (Name)

As a result, I could not form a solid, sound Perspective (Conclusion) with which to live by.


The Logical Proof of these 4 Premises (Identity, Ethics, Beliefs, Name) could not form a complete and correct Perspective (Conclusion) therefore the Logical Perspective was Inconclusive. 


We were in a stalemate. 


And I am a Logician who has full Conscious Awareness and 30 years practice in Logical Proofs with a Defined Identity and Ethical Law. My Trust in my Logical Argument is Solid. 


And still, when I’m tired, stressed, hungry, I falter. 

Regardless of Experience, an individual can still suffer from Poor Logical Health.


Trust in the Self to form Solid arguments, Conclusions, and Perceptions of Reality is the core of all Logical Health. The more you Trust the Self, the less likely Abusers can access your Logic. Poor or Low Trust in the Self, leads to Cognitive Dissonance. Cognitive Dissonance occurs when the Logical Health within the Cognitive Core is not Sound.


Your Logical Health and your Logical Truth produces a Frequency. Your Frequency. All information provided to you, must be measured by your Subconscious Mind as it enters your System because it must be 100% compatible with the Frequency of your Logical Truth. 


Your Perceive and Defined Reality is built on the Components of the Self and your Logical Truth. Your ability to Define and Perceive Reality is contingent upon your Self Components and your Logical Truth.


Combined, your Logical Truth and your Reality are two of three Core Components to your Self System. Your Story (Past, Present, Future) being the other one. 



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