Course Content
The Theory of Love
About Lesson

Physics Role In Healing


  • Your Self Equilibrium
  • Your Internal Physics


My first love was Physics. Actually, it was music. I was four when I started playing piano. By 15 years old, I had composed operas, musicals, and nearly 3 feet of musical compositions, ballads, Counterpoint, Irish Folk, and choral writing. Music is Physics.


My abuse was so severe that, by 20, I had forgotten everything I had learned. “Girls weren’t supposed to know Science.” And my Subconscious Mind wiped my memory clean of it. I studied Psychology, but to no avail, and turning to my Logic, Ontology, and Philosophy, I used Logical Deduction to heal my “incurable” mind, and 2 April 2023, I Integrated my Multiple Personality Mind. 


What followed was 8 months of “remembering” flooding back. And one of the first things I started to remember was all of the Physics I had studied in Music Theory, Metaphysics in Philosophy, and the link between Physics, Ontology, and Metaphysics. At once, I saw the Physics Within. 


Most Physicists don’t study Philosophy, Ontology, or Psychology. 

Psychologists don’t study Philosophy, Physics, or Ontology. 


Interdisciplinary Studies of combining Philosophy, Logic, Physics, Ontology, with my knowledge of the Subconscious Mind allowed me to see things that Psychologists and Physicists both missed. 


The Self, The Subconscious Mind, Mental Illnesses… they all are just Physics. 


Physicists know that the entire world, planet, galaxy, universe, life, all requires Equilibrium. Mother Nature is obsessed with it. From the smallest of atoms, to the largest of solar systems, Mother Nature will break worlds to preserve, protect, ensure the Constant that is Nature’s Equilibrium. 


Only Human Beings think they are the exception to this rule. 

Only Human Beings behave as if they are an exception to this rule. 


Mental Illnesses are Mother Nature’s way of “fighting back.” 


“Oh, you won’t transfer your stored Potential Emotional Energy into Kinetic Energy via Choices? Oh, you think you’re going to “Suppress” or “Resist” your Emotional Energy?”


No no no no no. Mother Nature will rewire your Nervous System and transfer that Stored Surplus of Emotional Energy that you are determined to suppress for you.

Manage your Equilibrium. Or Mother Nature will do it for you. She insists.


The Self *is* its own System. Its own Internal Physics. Its own Equilibrium. In this book, we will be covering all of this with you. No. You do not have to “learn” Physics, although it will help. Newton’s Laws are all you really need with some minor Laws in Optic Physics, Batteries, Electricity, Magnets, and some Chemistry. 


To manage your System, all you really need to know is this rule: Every action has an equal and opposite reaction. This is the 3rd Law of Physics and it is the Core Rule of your internal Physics and Equilibrium. 


The Law of Reflection will be covered a lot (it is how we learn), and Potential and Kinetic Energy will be covered. 


We will also be covering Power Economics, as Circuits and Batteries apply to how we conduct Emotional Transactions for Human Connection. Connection… As in “Connecting” to an Energy Source… Because… you know… we’re Physics. 


As we go through this book, you are going to see and realize just how Instinctive our Internal Physics already is in place. So much so that the majority of our daily language *is* borrowed from Physics. Like “Work” and “Force.” As well as “Vibe,” “Power,” and “Energy.”


I provide Formulas in Physics, Math, and Geometry proving my work throughout the book (or in the back where indicated) as well as the Logical Proofs and Arguments proving my work. All of which is also available on my website with the corresponding Abstracts.


I really don’t want to hear the arguments some non-scientist people will most likely try to throw at me. So I came armed with the Physics, the Science, the Logic, and the Math so I can just hand it to the Scientists and say, “Here you go.” and walk away. To them, I humbly say, yes. Please. Let’s discuss this.


My Scientific method used is elaborate and extraordinary, consisting of 7 additional steps, not used in the lab. My work is thorough and complete. This is not a theory. This is fact that I have proven using Logic, Math, Geometry, and Physics.

I invented a “Bias Purification Formula” with which to purify my Logic prior to analyzing anything and everything, which, I believe saves substantial time.

The Human Psyche, Subconscious Mind, and The Self is Physics and Logic. The more Logic, Math, and Physics you know, the easier this work is going to be for you.  


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