Course Content
The Theory of Love
About Lesson

But, in order to do this, you require INDEPENDENCE so you avoid DEPENDENCE while we learn how to balance COMFORT with ADVENTURE.


The Value of Student is Mastered here. But most surprisingly is the Value of Student : Student Learning rather than Student : Teacher Learning with the Sensitive Balance of Authority to Vulnerability being at risk.


Everyone is a Teacher. Everything. It is not a designation of Authority lorded over us in power. Experience and Mother Nature is the Teacher. But the greatest Teacher of all is the Student : Student relationship. Together, they work and learn, building TRUST as EQUALS. A lesson long since abandoned in Wonderland.


The Integration of the 3rd Ethical Perspective leads us to TRUST. Trust in the Self to Regulate our Comfort and Self-Nurture with Learning, Exploring, Rest, Adventure, and Play. Trust in others to treat us kind and good. We gain PROOF OF CONCEPT, which builds on our SKILLS and we learn RESOURCEFULNESS.


But the Avoidance of Dependence introduces us to RESPONSIBILITY, which we are not yet ready for. Our excess in VULNERABILITY with INDEPENDENCE taught us an APPRECIATION for LAW AND ORDER. We had to learn Vulnerability to Appreciate the need for Personal Law and Rule and Order.


The 4th Ethical Perspective

The Integration of Independence with Dependence allows us the ability to practice our Self-Authority without yet accepting the weight of RESPONSIBILITY over the Self, our Actions, or Others.


Self-Control is the true lesson of the 4th Ethical Perspective, which too often results in projected Control onto others, derailing the Purpose and the Point of the 4th Ethical Stage. And so, the Individual remains at the 4th Ethical Perspective until they Learn SUPPRESSION and SELF-CONTROL.

SUPPRESSION is the DISCOMFORT that MOTIVATES us to build SELF-GOVERNMENT to overcome our FEAR to embrace RESPONSIBILITY thus granting us POWER and AUTHORITY in reward for RESPONSIBILITY.


It is the 4th Ethical Perspective Mindset, who failed to Integrate TRUST who doubts that others can live Ethically without FORCE or COERCION of OBEDIENCE through ENFORCEMENT. 


The 5th Ethical Perspective

But, you have to BE suppressed in order to recognize the Suppression of others.


You must learn the Emotion of Suppression first. You must learn SELF-CONTROL and indulge on SELF-CONTROL to then seek to avoid SELF-CONTROL with CHOICE.


(The American Revolution siphoned the much needed Discomfort of Suppression… Violence instead of Problem Solving… Which is why we are here again. Because we failed the initial lesson: to not only fight back against the suppressed, but to also respect the Self-Government of others. We must Self-Govern and ALLOW the Self-Governing of ALL others.)


And so the 5th Perspective Indulges on CHOICE. Every CHOICE is a stone the 5th Perspective casts into a pool of water. Indulging on Choice, they fail to notice the Ripple Effect their stone-casting causes.


And only when they indulge in CHOICE to the point of harm, do they come to value the SELF-CONTROL required with CHOICE to preserve OTHERS.  


IMAGE – Self-Government Power Balance


The 6th Ethical Perspective

Guilt sets in as you move into the 6th. The Individual counts the number Choices made that resulted in ill-plotted ripples.  


And so, when you learn that, unchecked, your POWER can hurt OTHERS… That YOU have become THE SUPPRESSOR, and you realize that you are now the abuser, you OVERCOMPENSATE due to GUILT and you hold yourself ACCOUNTABLE for your actions. You become NON-VIOLENT and value the FREEDOM of OTHERS.


So you prioritize others at the SACRIFICE of THE SELF. You listen to ALL VOICES, silencing the Self. Until you learn SELF-VALUE and EQUALITY. Hence BOUNDARIES.



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