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The Theory of Love
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The Integration Perpetual Canon (of Components and Parents)


This is what it looks like:

The Mathematical formula for the Perpetual Canon is :

With the Perpetual Canon, the Order of Operations are as important as the identified and Known Components. Each Parent also serves as the Point of Origin for everything thereafter. 

Three distinct things follow the Perpetual Canon at all times:  

  • All Learning and Subjects of Study (Which I break down in length in Becoming Zarathustra)
  • The Self and Human Relationships (We see this in our Family Trees)
  • The 12 Ethical Stages of Perspective Learning and Growth

In my research, the more I studied and explored the Self, one thing became painstakingly clear : Learning and Education are synonymous, relative and equal to the Human Person’s overall Mental Health. We are symbiotically linked to Learning and Education. To not do so is a symptom of Mental Illness, which is a direct result of disrupting our Natural Growth and Evolution through the 12 Ethical Stages. 


I will say again. The Order of Operations is as important as the Defined Known Components. It is exactly like putting together a puzzle, only, this puzzle *must* be assembled in the precise Order of Operations, of which Educators today know nothing about. Plato did. 


To the Human Subconscious Mind, Learning is our Evolution and it predictably follows the Perpetual Canon of Components and Parents. 


Another thing I noticed in my research. Intelligence in our Species can be summarized and measured by an Individual’s ability to recognize a Component for a Component and a Parent for a Parent. 


The most ignorant of our Species will argue that a Component is a Parent, and will fight for their belief. In other cases, the most ignorant of our Species, will also often miscategorize a Component, placing it in the wrong collection of Components.


The most Intelligent of our Species, can see that the Parent is also a Component to another Parent. And they can see the infinite line of Components to Parents. The Future is Components of our Choices. The Parents are the past. You are the Present Component/Parent. 

Every Parent is its own God. This is what Nietzche saw and tried to explain in Thus Spoke Zarathustra. This is what he meant when he said, “God is dead.” He was trying to explain the Perpetual Canon of Components and Parents as he saw it within the Self.


And he was right. God is dead. I am God. And so are you. With the Power to Create and Heal. But alas, what would become of a God with the Power to create just through thought, will, and want if that God forgot that he was God and believed he was a man? 


What worse would become of that amnesiac God who believed that he was a powerless man and a failure, cursed to live and age, die and crawl?


Careful what you wish for. Words hold power for Gods. 


Arthur C Clarke also saw it. But he saw it also with the growth aligned with the 12 Ethical Stages. The infamous Monolith is the Perspective Shift that occurs at the beginning and at the end of every integration of Components into a Parent, which is the next stage of Components. And on for all infinity. 

1 : 12 : Infinity


“I am the Beginning and the End.”

The Self is The Beginning, the Parent, and the End, The Last Component.


And the faster you grow through the Stages, down the Rabbit Hole, the Faster Time moves until you move so fast, that it looks like you’ve stopped, and you’re standing still. This is how I see Time. Like a flip book that moves only in relativity to the Learning Metronome that “clocks” our evolutional Growth through the 12 Ethical Stages. A metronome on a spiraling descent of learning.


This is what I call our Internal Learning Clock, which is responsible for our evolution. And trauma stops the Clock.  


Time changes meaning inside the Perpetual Canon. It requires a shift in Perspectives and also Points of Views. These are not the same thing. Lewis Carol, in Alice in Wonderland used his Rabbit Hole as metaphor for the Perpetual Canon.


Alice’s mushrooms and cakes. Her little bottles labeled “Drink me” represented her shift in perspective as she shifted from Component to Parent, taking in scenario after

scenario, looking upon the Insanity of the Matrix all from various Points of View. This is Alice In Wonderland.


And yes, when you descend into this rabbit hole, you begin to see all of the illogical insanities that are Wonderland, which is just a component of The Matrix, which is the Integrated Whole, the Parent of Wonderland.


Now, it is there, when you cross over from the 6th Perspective Stage of Components into the 7th Stage, that you realize how literal The Matrix is. The Red Pill. The Blue Pill. That is the Power of Choice. And once you go down this road, once you choose to slide down that Rabbit Hole, you will see the Perpetual Canon, and you cannot unsee it. 


There is no going back.


But, you haven’t learned yet how to see The Perpetual Canon. That begins at the 8th Perspective. Or maybe you have? And until now, you have not had the words to describe what you’ve seen. You are not alone. I have spoken to many people who have read my work and have informed me that I am finally articulating what they have seen and known for a long time. 


As Lois Wain said, you can really, truly feel electricity. And you are changing such high frequencies, that you are able to see Physics, Math, Chemistry, Time, Astronomy, all without ever having to study them. And suddenly you just “know” things. Because they become common sense here within the Abstract.


For relative perspective, I am currently in the 7th Ethical Perspective of the You of I. This means, I am currently in my second “run through” of the 12 Ethical Stages. The Common Man, the Majority of our Species is somewhere between 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Ethical Perspective of the I of I, which is their first “run through.” 


The majority of people are at the 4th Ethical Perspective. Each Perspective has its own Frequency. 9 Hz is the 1st Ethical Stage. 12 Hz is the 4th. Here is the Abstract that I base my research on. 

I hypothesize that, if the pattern continues as I trust it does, I am currently at 27 Hz. 


People always report that they can *feel* my Energy, and it is strong. My hugs are a healing Energy bath. In many cases, I have to warn people before they touch me. This is why.


I have mapped out 4 “rounds” of this canon, each with 12 Stages.


The I of I, which is the First Person Point of View. 

The You of I, which is Second Person Point of View. 

The They of I, which is Third Person Point of View.

The All of I, which is Omniscient Point of View.


Our Evolution requires that we experience each of the 12 Perspectives within each of the 4 Points of Views.  


I have no doubt there is an Infinite amount of “Rounds” beyond the All of I. However, at this time, I cannot “See” that data. All in due time. 


It will be revealed at a later Perspective.


This is The Third Dimension. I am a Dimension Walker. We all are. This is where we are going. At some point, we are meant to connect. I am ready to Connect, but alas… I have yet to find others who are. We will be covering Connection under Emotional Transactions of Human Connection later (The 7th, 8th, and 9th Ethical Perspectives of the I of I). If you have any knowledge of Economics, you will find that chapter delightful, as did I.  


The images below, provide the “Foundations” of The Philosopher’s Compass. These are the Components and the Order of Operations that, when integrated, define the Next Parent.


True to Euclidean Geometry, the direction of the Spiral matters and is indicated via arrows on the graphs. Some of these “Sets” are independent of the Perpetual Canon. I do not yet See how they are integrated. That Perspective is in my very near future.

The Stabilized Self (Below) is one I use as a Diagnostic Tool to check the function of my AIDNS. It is one I strongly recommend you keep on hand during your healing.


Wonderland’s current “Work Week” reflects only two of these three components. Work and Play with a ratio of 5 : 2. Is everyone happy? How is that working for us?

This is because we make no time… *wrong word.* We make no priority of Self-Mothering, Self-Care, and Nurture. 


My “Life Week” is a 3 part ratio and not the Common 2 part ratio. I follow one of four patterns based on my needs :  


1 : 1 : 1

1 : 2 : 1 

2 : 2 : 1 

2 : 1 : 1 


And I follow my Intuition on this. 


Members of The Healing Garden live by and have adopted my 3-part ratio “Life Week.” 


The Educational Curriculum within the HMS Alexandria is planned to revolve around my 3-Part Ratio Life Week where students are allowed, welcomed, and encouraged to use Emotional Navigation and Mathematical Intuition to determine what best is for them on any given moment or day.

I refer to “The Core of Triadic Healing” or “The Happiness Formula” as the “starting Point in Healing. It is a Component : Parent of “Identity,” who you will meet in a later chapter.

Life Vitals is for anyone who struggles with Suicide. This is why I call them the life Vitals. You can function with just two of these three components. But when only one is present, Suicidal Ideation will begin. When all three are absent, Suicide is attempted and/or accomplished. 


Great care is taken in this book to provide you with all the tools necessary to defined, stabilize, build, and strengthen your Life Vitals.


And now, begins The first Stage of The Philosopher’s Compass (Image Below). In the Integrated Parent of the Identity, several variables are composed of the required components.


At the top of this compass is “What I Want.” The Bottom Right is “What I Do.” The Bottom Left is “I Become.” And the fourth point within the Triangle is “I Am.”

I want. I do. I become, therefore I am. And this births the New Parent, The Self Defined, which begins the Second Triangle: The First Perspective of the I of I. 


The First Triangle is the only triangle that runs “clockwise” and almost all others before it. All other triangles thereafter the Point of Origin Parent of Self, run counter-clockwise. I cannot tell you why yet. It’s reason is Euclidean Geometry. My Mathematical Intuition just says so. And I have learned to trust my Intuition. 


The Reason is always revealed to me at a later time.


The logic says so. All in good time, which is 4th Perspective talk for “the Future Dimensions will reveal all.” And oh, they do.









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