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The Theory of Love
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The Self Above All Else


This one can be harder to achieve. Our abuse, our Culture, and Society conditions us that Prioritizing the Self is “Selfish,” and Guilt (Obedience) is close by to step in at any given moment to remind us that we are not allowed, or, more specifically, “It is unethical” to grow bigger than a permitted “size.” 


Our language is saturated with “Shrink” words that constantly remind us to “shrink,” “stay small,” and “remember our place.” In a later chapter, I will be covering these “Shrink” words. 


Also, I have a full list of “Shrink words” and “The List of Banned Growth Words” available at the end of this book. The full list is available on my website. BOOKMARK


The more you identify and recognize these “Shrink” and “Banned Growth” words, the more you will become sensitive to the saturation in our language that constantly uses Subliminal Messaging to keep us small.


Putting the Self above all else is the decision to fight against and overcome this conditioning. The Point of Change occurs when you believe, deep down, that “If I don’t take care of me, then no one will.”


“If I don’t take care of myself, then no one will.”


This is a vast helping of Self-Preservation, often labeled as self-centered and “arrogant” by those who desire your cooperation and obedience. 


People who find this Self-Preservation and Self-Love are the ones who heal. People who avoid it due to Guilt (Obedience), remain abused and/or unhealed.


“If I don’t take care of myself, then no one will,” is the Healing Survival Mind required to get you through your healing. It often feels “cruel” and “cold” at first, and once you learn boundaries and forgiveness, this “arrogance” will soften as you shelter your Self within your Circle of Trust.


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