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The Theory of Love
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What is the Mark of Bligh?


I love the movie “Mutiny On The Bounty” with Marlon Brando. Captain Bligh was a tyrannical and abusive captain of The Bounty. Hence the True Story of the Infamous Mutiny on said Bounty. 


After the Mutiny, the crew were so traumatized that they turned on each other with paranoia, PTSD, and Fear, and they burned the ship and killed each other including their beloved leader, Marlon Brando’s character. 


As the Bounty burned in the background, leaving the handful of men stranded in the Philippines, Brando lay dying, and the handful of men wept.


“We did not know. We thought you would treat us like Bligh.”


“It is not your fault. We all carry the Mark of Bligh.” 


I have a Super Power. I can look at an Individual and see their Identity separate from their Mark of Bligh. I can have a 5 minute conversation with someone and immediately see where their Identity shines like the sun, and where the Mark of Bligh holds them back restrained. 


The ability and skill to recognize your sunlight from your Mark of Bligh is the superpower I will be teaching you so you can see and know YOU and your Natural Frequency from the Invasive Frequency that is your Mark of Bligh.


Using Expansive Thinking, I will teach you how to step outside of your Mark of Bligh, discipline it, shrink it, and then remove it, leaving you free and Independent to restore your Integrated Self back into the United Whole of the Self.  


Becoming dead-set and determined with persevering resolve to problem solve your way through the Fear is the Victim’s Identity and their Desire to be better, healthy, and whole. It is Mother Nature’s Gifted Self-Preservation in you kicking in. 


“I have a System that needs to be sustained by the Natural Equilibrium of Balance, Alignment and Order. I use Logic, Math, and Physics to get this done. And you are part of that System,” says Mother Nature. “Now. Allow.. Align. Balance. Step into my Vortex. Respect the Physics, or I will do it for you.” 


This is only a war between Frequencies. Mother Nature’s plus Your Natural Frequency vs. the Invasive Frequencies of your Abusers. The harder you cling to the Fears installed within you by your Abusers, Parents with Subconscious Intentions, or Societal Expectations, the more you resist the Natural Law and Order that is Mother Nature. 


And what you Want, Dream, and Desire *is* the Natural Order of Mother Nature. Which is why you Want, Dream, and Desire to begin with. Now think about every time, you were told that you can’t have what you want, dream, and desire.




The Weaker Frequency will submit to the Stronger Frequency. Every time. And Mother Nature’s Logic and Desire is a much Higher Frequency than any abuser you have known. And you have Mother Nature on your side. 


A lot of people strongly believe that Ethics are not obtained but through God. *rolls eyes.* But what we want can be harmful and toxic to others without Ethics. What determines Ethics? Where do Ethics come from? 


Ethics come from the Natural Learning Order dictated by Mother Nature as we progress through the 12 Ethical Stages of Natural Perspective Growth. Ethics do keep our wants and desires in check, and are a key part of the Human Subconscious Mind, Learning System, the AIDNS, and your Natural Progression through life. 


In this book, I will provide you with substantial evidence proving that Ethics comes from the Natural Evolution and Learning Order of Mother Nature. 


Furthermore, our Wants, Dreams, and Desires are governed by our Ethical Stages, ensuring, after the 5th Ethical Stage of Perspective Growth, that we no longer mindlessly cause harm to others. 


By the 6th Ethical Perspective, we learn how to no longer mindlessly cause self-harm. And by the 9th Ethical Perspective, we learn how to use Conscious Foresight (Empathy) to prevent our own words from causing unintentional harm to others.


It is very possible and healthy to Want, Dream, and Desire and you should do so without reserve knowing that doing so will not only result in a significant improvement to your Mental Health, but also, it will not harm others once you and the people around you exist Independently from each other. 


This is all coming up in later chapters. For now, it is imperative to know that the real Challenger you face is your Mind.   


The Victim has to be smarter than their Subconscious Mind. Honest with all the parts of their Self, and be ready to do whatever it takes to overcome their own Mind.


They must be honest about what they want, what they Value, and what they are afraid of. They must believe, beyond a shadow of a doubt, in their logical skills, their deduction skills, their resourcefulness, their strength and fortitude, and in their ability to stand on their own two feet. 


Above all else, they must be ready to embrace solitude, isolation, and endure the suffering and loss it most likely will take to free themselves from the Mark of Bligh and reunite the Self.


Pursuing Balance and Alignment with Mother Nature does conflict with those around you who resist Mother Nature. Everyone using you and/or taking advantage of your current Mindset, has something to lose, and, in most cases, they will fight for their “free ride.” 


Priority is the only thing that will arm you against this. Priority is the first tool in your arsenal. Bookmark


Priority boils down to Self-Honesty and Self-Truth. Many people will and have tried to overcome their Mark of Bligh, but the one thing that often ends and terminates therapy is the steadfast loyalty to Abusers, most of all, the Abusive Mother.


Remember, The Assigned Value. To change the Value from an Abuser to the Self is to declare that the Self is also Self-Reliable. 


Self-Reliance. Self-Salvation. The Core Definition of Proof of Concept of one’s own Value. 


How much are you ready to believe in yourself? 


It’s a gamble and the stakes are high. To not take this risk is to lose, most likely nothing, but it is to gain so much of everything you never thought you could ever have.  


The ROI is 100% Guaranteed and far surpasses anything the Victim could possibly imagine… if only they would just Believe.   


Do you feel safe enough to make mistakes?

Do you feel safe enough to Speak your Truth without thought of Consequence? 

Do you feel safe enough to Be Different?

Do you feel safe enough to Learn and to Grow?

If you did not, could not answer “Yes” to 100% of these questions, you were raised in an environment of either Conditional Love and/or, something less known, Conditional Belonging.


I cannot begin to express the Value and Qualities of Love with Conditions and Love without Conditions. But also, Belonging with Conditions and Belonging without Conditions. 


Conditional Belonging is right behind the Trauma of Nonconsensual Education, the single most leading cause to Trauma. 


Conditional Belonging is the Ultimatum too often posed by ignorant parents that the Creation (off-spring), must choose between their Perfection, Obedience, Compliance, Conformity, Voice, Growth, Opinion, Perspective, Story, and/or Self-Love in exchange for their safety, shelter, food, clothing, and thus their survival and life. 


This is a deduction that occurs in MANY children, usually between the ages of 4 to 20. 


The Author’s Example: 


I remember being 8 and shaking with fear through tears at the table almost every night as his Tradition-Based threats forced me to turn over my Self-Authority to the demands of my father who wanted me to eat my meat-based dinner his way, terrified of how I would eat, where I would sleep, or where I would go if I did not submit to his demands.


What really took place in this scenario was an old, Subconscious Choice deep in my programming: 


“Choose,” he had really said to me. 


My Ethics or my Survival. It was made very clear. I could not have both.


I chose my Survival, of course. What choice did I have? I was 8.


My actions contradicted my Ethics, and became my Union Divided while my Self-Authority was compromised. 


Oh, yes. The simple, and popular words, “This is my house and you will obey my rules or you can find another place to live,” ripped my “Mental Health” apart, and forced Invasive Perspectives and Civil Divide into my Psyche that nurtured my already established Multiple Personality Disorder at only 8 years old. 


My father was not malicious. Not at all. 


He was ignorant. 

He knew no other way.

He was mindlessly following Tradition.

He felt hopeless, having no idea how to love or parent properly.     


Mindless Tradition will be the death of us all. 


You can love your parents without remaining loyal to their demands. Love does not at all mean “pleasing” or “loyalty.” 


Love means to Value without profit or gain. To give Importance to. Value yourself more. Prioritize your Self above all others. And to do so without Profit or Gain is to love. In fact, when we love out of profit or gain, this is not love at all, but an emotional prosthetic that we assign to another individual to compensate for what we lack in the Self. 


Be honest with yourself about what you fear. 

Be honest with yourself about all the lies you tell yourself. 

Be honest with yourself about the shadows in your mind that you are avoiding and are not looking at. 

Be honest with yourself about what it is you are really afraid of. 


Look at your Truth. 

Look at your weakness. 

Look at your Openness.

Look at your Logic.


Face your greatest Judge, Jury, and Critic of all. Your Self. Accept your Conviction and prepare yourself to stand in judgment of your own ethics. This, in many cases, is really, REALLY, what most of us are truly afraid of. 


Our own Accountability.


If you are not willing or ready to face this, then, no matter how much healing you try to do, your Subconscious Mind will always be ten-steps ahead of you, because without Accountability, you really don’t want to outmaneuver your Subconscious Mind and Dominate this “Chess” game. Because the Winner of this game will have to Change.


Because once you face ownership of your own Choices, for it was you who had Authority this entire time, once you realize, name, and accept what it is that you allowed happen to you all while you prioritized the love, acceptance, and belonging of another over you, well then, you will have no other choice, but to change. 


And that is the greatest fear of all. For ignorance will no longer be an excuse you can use to dismiss your actions, for you will know better. And Knowledge and Logical Truth denies us the ability to bullshit ourselves.


Healing is really the choice to end the bullshit, claim your authority, shift your values, and prioritize the self above all. 


Healing is finally Choosing to Face Your Self and Answer for all your lies. 

Healing is the undertaking of deciding that you are worth it. You are loved. You matter. Not because you want to “end the pain,” but because you are the Entity of an Individual with the god-given Right to your own Voice, Opinion, Belief, Space, and Authority.


And by-god, you are going to Claim it and take back yours.    



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