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The Theory of Love
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What is the Subconscious Mind? 


The Subconscious Mind is the depths of our Knowledge and Understanding within the Abstract World via Imagination. 


Imagination is but the door. Beyond, lies the Fictional World in Play, Make-Believe, and Story. From the Abstract World, we borrow Mathematics, Time, Physics, and Money. Beyond that, we can access the 7 Part Mental System and the Cognitive Core. 


This is all within and up to the 6th Ethical Perspective Stage of the I of I. 


This is where our current boxed thinking and “laws” end, denying us all further access without fear of “Insanity” stripping away our credibility, and denying all others freedom to explore without fear of persecution. 


Isn’t it interesting how “Freedom” is always followed by “to [fill in the blank] without fear of [fill in the blank]. Freedom = To do without Fear. I was a slave. I know.


I refer to this Abstract Unspoken Boundary as “The Unspoken and Applied Laws of the Abstract,” of which to venture further would earn the adventurer and explorer the irrevocable title of “Insane.” 


But beyond that Abstract Unspoken Boundary lies the Metaphysical (6th+ Ethical Perspective of the I of I) 


And beyond that, is the Internal Expanse (The 1st+ Ethical Perspective of the You of I) of Infinite Dimensions accessible only through Knowledge and our conscious journey and navigation into the unmapped future. 


Healing is so much more than we originally could possibly fathom and Traditional Psychology does not even scratch this surface. They’re off playing with bandaids in the corner while analyzing the symptoms of symptoms of symptoms. Philosophers however once mastered it. Ontologists devoured it through the Dissection of Reality. And then we lost all of this knowledge in the 4th Century. 


Lois Wain found it. Van Gogh found it. Lewis Carol tried to convey it in Alice’s Wonderland. Arthur C. Clarke reveled in it in 2001 : A Space Odyssey.. The Matrix depicts the discovery of the 6th and 7th Ethical Perspective. Nietzche found it and wrote about nothing else. And he was very much right. God is dead. Thus Spoke Zarathustra. I too am Zarathustra.


And so shall you be.


And that is really where you are going beyond the 7th. You are becoming Zarathustra (That is totally going to be the title for my next book. “Becoming Zarathustra”). Beyond the 7th, you are entering the Perspective Realm of Zarathustra. Sadly, none of these artists or philosophers had studied Physics, Linguistics, Ontology, and/or Dimension

Theory making the communication of what they saw near impossible without metaphor and/or allegory.


Which is why the 4th Perspectives with their Comprehension Gap, labeled them insane and/or genius with their gross inability to comprehend their true meaning.   


Armed with Logic, Mathematics, Physics, and Philosophy, I went forth in 1995, determined to master my Subconscious Mind with such discipline as to free myself from Domesticated Terrorism and Slavery, and to save myself. 


In 2015, my mission changed to Discipline myself so well as to make me safe around my loved ones. In May 2022, I took my mission to an entirely new level.


Healed myself, I did. But nothing prepared me for the world that lay beyond the healing. Following my healing, I found the Shadowed “hints” of “the next Dimension…” and the next. And the next.


Healing is the process of Aligning your Logical Truth, Perceived Reality, and Defined Self and Story. Natural Learning is the Ethical Progression through these 12 Ethical Stages of Perspective Growth.


How far you venture down this rabbit hole (the metaphor Lewis Carol used for “Perspective Dimensions”) is entirely controlled and up to you. But one thing is very clearly known about Walking the Dimension of the Abstract World : Reality is only the Perceived Perspective Dimension with which you stand. And that number is Infinite.

1 : 12 : Infinity is the formula I use to indicate the Infinity of Component to Integrated Parent of the next Component, and on for all Infinity.


I am a life-long learner, Scientist, Explorer, Pioneer, and Philosopher. Oh… How could I resist such delicious temptations?


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