The Healing Garden Newsletter

The Healing Garden… Make Sure You Want This

“You!” The Gardener calls across the Garden, hobbling toward you. “Hold on there! Before you even think of just waltzing in here, you need to know a few things.” The Garden closes the gate behind you and studies you for a moment. “It’s true. The Fruit in this Garden is… Powerful. Exceptional. RARE. But the

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Dear Government…

I See you. I come in peace. I love these people. Please let me help. I want to help you fix this, and I know how. Gentle Mercy. It is going to be okay. I promise you.   My Mathematician just got back to me. Estimated Value of The Healing Garden $5.4 Trillion USD Point

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Vitalogy (The Science and Logic of Life)

We never talk about “Image” in the Brand. It’s always missed. We talk about Reputation and Brand. Logo Motto Business Name But never the Business Owner’s Image. Image is not “Reputation.” The Image is “How are you going to show up to the party?” The Business Owner grabs the suit and Rolex and never looks

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Breaking Delusions : What Every Adult (Except Teachers) Knows

I am still just… flabbergasted by this data. I could not figure out the Agenda of Teachers and now, this sheds so much light on the situation! In my last post, I wrote: [The Teachers’] answers confirmed THIS: Teachers really don’t know that 100% of their students fail to use the information they teach in

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Do You Need Money To Make Money? NOPE! I just Spent 2 Years Proving This Lie FALSE! LOVE Produces Money! Our Business Model Shows You How!

This! THIS is what I love for! 2 years ago, I refined my Mission in Life to include a few… Side Quests! Can Ethics and Money be earned, and go together, hand in hand? Do you need Money to make Money? Can you build an Ethical Business Model that Flourishes and Prospers on Ethics and

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A Real-Life Cinderella Story You Can Watch Enfold Right Before Your Eyes. From Slavery to… Well, That’s My Story. Welcome To My World.

I struggle with “My Life Story.” Posts. I don’t want to be re-traumatized. YOU don’t want to be traumatized. But if you DON’T know my background, you WON’T believe what I am. So here is a Mostly Censored version. Please still use Reader Discretion (4th Ethic). No one does. So I always skip that part.

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Operation : Truth Virus

I see this perfect bulls eye of Ground Zero… The people closest to me, standing in the full surge of the Truth and passing it on to those next in line behind them… And those people, passing it on to those next to them… I see this line using The Telephone Game to guide people

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