Finding Your Coordinates

Welcome to Perspective Psychology.

Many of us are led to believe that there is one truth. One “ultimate” Reality or “Truth.” We all have spent our lives trying to fit ourselves into this one Common Ethic and Belief that governs our entire Society.

In actuality there are 8+ Perspectives (according to the work of Psychologist, Dr. Graves, who introduced this theory in Spiral Dynamics during the 1970’s… which Traditional Psychologists shelved and never looked further). Perspective Psychology is my forte, and I am its founder, developing my theories and work decades before finding Dr. Graves’ work on Spiral Dynamics.

Every instance of abuse is actually a dispute over who’s perspective is “correct,” from small contradictions or disagreements to sexual and/or physical assault and name calling.

Undergoing Perspective Abuse results in a number of messages mastered and integrated by your Subconscious Mind:

  • “It is not safe to be different.”
  • “It’s not safe to be visible.”
  • “It is not safe to grow.”
  • “It’s not safe to talk.”
  • “It is not safe to be myself.”
  • “It’s not safe to be around people.”

This lack of safety results in a divide between Your Identity and Your Subconscious Mind. Suddenly, you are not aligned with yourself. As we grow older, our Perspectives are supposed to change, but most of us were taught that only the Perspectives of our parents is acceptable or tolerated.

Conditional Lifestyles, “Conform or you lose your shelter, food, safety, security, acceptance,” grooms us for a life of Conditional Belonging and Conditional Love.

Most Parents have a perspective locked in at the 2nd, 3rd, or 4th Perspective.

  • 2nd Perspectives abuse with Religion and Traditions.
  • 3rd Perspectives abuse strategically with Forced Perspectives, Sexual Control, and physical Violence.
  • 4th Perspectives (The Common Perspective), abuse with politics and “following the rules” and making sure you get a 9-5 job.

But, you are most likely an Ethical 5th Perspective or an Ethical 6th Perspective who was forced to adhere to “Societal Norms” or your Parent’s desires for you. Transgender People are 7th Perspectives who can See beyond Gender Labels.

What results is your Identity being stifled, suppressed, and your growth restricted while your Subconscious Mind stays “stuck” at the 2nd, 3rd, or 4th Perspective. Around you, the Environment reflects the Perspective with the most Authority, forcing you to live in a situation where you may be a 6, your subconscious mind is a 3, but your Environment is a 4.

Your “Combination” in this example is 5-3-4. If you were aligned, your combination would be 5-5-5. The mis-alignment causes an emotion called “Cognitive Dissonance.” The more you are misaligned, the greater the pain.

Traditional Psychologists know about Cognitive Dissonance, but little to no interest is made on this emotion that is the core of human suffering and emotional pain. It’s importance is downplayed in Traditional Psychology.

Why knowing your Combination is important

Sanity is knowing who you are and your relative location in the world. Reality is how you define your reality based on your Perspective. Mental Illnesses occur when, through the act of Perspective Abuse, your Identity and your relative understanding is taken away from you, losing your perception of reality.

Read that again.

Knowing your combination does three things:

  • It identifies the problem and defines who you are.
  • It tells you where you are (Your Subconscious Mind keeps you where you are)
  • It tells you where you want to be (Your Ethical Perspective)
  • It tells you how much your Alignment is off so you know how much work you have ahead of you.

Perspective Psychology cures Mental Illness by restoring your Identity, Your Relativity, and your perceived reality, which results in a Mental Environment where your Toxic Beliefs and Mental Illnesses cannot exist (This is what I cover in my Masterclasses).

Finding Your Coordinates

The 8 Perspectives are stages of growth that we all advance through as we grow. Most people stall out around the 4th Perspective. It is usually then that most people stop growing. The 4th Perspective is the Common Perspective. The Perspectives are all defined by the following:

  • 1 – Where your Autonomy is as far as Value and Importance goes.
  • 2 – Who has Your Authority
  • 3 – Your priority on The Environment
  • 4 – How you Define and relate to “A Supreme Being”
  • 5- How you Relate to Others

Wishing you were at a higher Perspective just means that you value Growth over Comfort. It does not mean you are at that Perspective. These Perspectives are the Stages of Growth. You cannot skip a Perspective. When left alone to develop as Nature intended, by the time we are 8 years old, we would be in the 8th Perspective, capable of self-governing our own lives through the use of Ethics.

Just to give you some Perspective on how badly our parents fucked us up.

The 8 Perspectives

To find your Ethical Perspective, this is your truth, read through the list below. Which one best describes the lifestyle you believe guides your current feelings.

The 1st Perspective

  • The Self is being Explored.
  • The Caregiver makes all the Decisions.
  • Your Caregiver has all the Authority and is The Most Important
  • The Caregiver is The Supreme Being

Lesson to learn:

That you can contribute to your community

The 2nd Perspective

  • The Self is Important only if you live by the role assigned to you
  • The Head of the Household makes all the Decisions.
  • The Head of the Household has all the Authority and is The Most Important
  • A god is assigned The Supreme Being

Lesson to learn:

That you are more than the role society has put you into.

The 3rd Perspective

  • The Self is Important. Your Opinions are more important than the Rights and Freedoms of others.
  • You, The Self, make all the Decisions.
  • You, The Self, has all the Authority and is The Most Important
  • You are The Supreme Being. If you believe in a god, you don’t answer to that either.

Lesson to learn:

That Law and Order is required to keep you safe as much as others until you learn how to self-govern

The 4th Perspective

  • The Self is Important only if you Follow the Rules and the Laws
  • The Law and Order and Justice makes all the Decisions.
  • The Law and Order and Justice has all the Authority and is The Most Important
  • A god is The Supreme Being and all Law and Order and Justice stems from that god

Lesson to learn:

That you can self-govern without Law and Order telling you what to prioritize

The 5th Perspective

  • The Self is as Important as the Rules and the Laws, but you realize you can self-govern too.
  • The Self makes all the Decisions and may push the Law and Order
  • The Self and Law and Order has equal amounts of Authority
  • If a god is defined as The Supreme Being and you believe you have Free Will for a reason and you’re going to use it.


  • You prioritize Education, and this is a new emotion
  • You want to be your own boss or you want to help others
  • You begin to view yourself equal to police, attorneys, and doctors

Lesson to learn:

That your actions affect others negatively when you are not mindful

The 6th Perspective

  • The Self is Important and you no longer need the Laws and Order of others to determine right from wrong.
  • The Self makes all the Decisions
  • The Self has all the Authority
  • The Supreme Being is now in question. What is it? You start explore your relationship to The Supreme Being and may realize The Supreme Being is accessible to you.
  • You are Consciously Aware of the rights and freedoms of others and you exercise great care. to prioritize their rights sometimes, at the expense of yours.


  • You revere the 7th and 8th Perspectives as gods
  • You use words like “Awakened” and “Masculine and Feminine”
  • You often have a feeling of superiority to stages 1 – 5 Perspectives
  • You give too much of yourself to others to the point of harming yourself
  • You are desperate to makes sense of the Ethereal Plane so you spend a lot of time with Chakra stones and trying to explain the universe around you

Lesson to learn:

That you must prioritize your opinion and self-care over the needs of others.

The 7th Perspective

  • Hierarchy Ends.
  • The Self is Important
  • The Self makes all the Decisions
  • The Self has all the Authority
  • The Supreme Being is you. The Power is yours. You are the Source of the Power.
  • You have an almost “mothering” or “nurturing” responsibility to take care of all others.
  • You are Equal to All others.


  • You realize Gender does not exist
  • You realize that the Stages of Growth are not “Levels”
  • There is no “Pecking Order.” Hierarchy dies.
  • You can see that Stages 1 – 6 all live inside The Matrix, and you can see the Matrix
  • You cannot speak because no words exist to describe what you see

Lesson to learn:

That all power and knowledge is useless in the world unless you can effectively communicate with others

The 8th Perspective

  • You can see these 8 Perspectives in everyone, can tell when someone is acting from a False Perspective out of Fear or when they are living and acting true to their Ethical Perspective, and you knew about the 8 Perspectives without having to read this article.
  • Ultimate Equality
  • The Self is Important
  • The Self makes all the Decisions
  • The Self has all the Authority
  • The Supreme Being is all of us. It is each one of us (Lesser Gods), but when combined, we become The Supreme Being. And That is The Energy Pool. It is all who once was, and all who will be again. And to contaminate the Energy Pool is to harm the Energy of our future and our past.
  • You have an almost “mothering” or “nurturing” responsibility to take care of all others and ourselves. We all have this responsibility.
  • You are Equal to All others.


  • You are calm.
  • Urgency and Fear cease to exist.
  • You stop prioritizing growth and you relish the comfort of stability for awhile
  • You accept that you are human. You defend your humanity. You celebrate your mistakes.
  • You fully accept who you are with all your flaws and you shamelessly accept all of yourself while being mindful of others
  • You separate the Government Body from The Individual
  • You respect the individual, but slander the Government Body, which is not a person.
  • That the real problem with the world is just a failure to communicate between the different perspectives
  • You are not sure if the Energy Pool (Supreme Being) is Sentient
  • Karma becomes a Bank Account and is not about Vengeance
  • You forgive and love your abusers with ease

Lesson to learn:

TBA… I think I’m waiting for boredom lol…

Update… I had to learn the value of balancing self-preservation with the preservation of others.

You learn boundaries. You feel anger. You become angry until you learn how to effectively balance boundaries.

The 9th Perspective

  • You can see these 9 Perspectives in everyone, can tell when someone is acting from a False Perspective out of Fear or when they are living and acting true to their Ethical Perspective.
  • Ultimate Equality
  • The Self is Important
  • The Self makes all the Decisions
  • The Self has all the Authority
  • The Supreme Being is us combined. All 8 Billion of us.
  • The
  • You have an almost Protective responsibility to take care of all others and ourselves. (Cultivators… provide resources.)
  • You are Equal to All others.
  • You See how each pull on each thread pulls on another person.
  • You See how Energy is webbed into and through each Perspective.
  • You See the Love System and you See The Fear system. You See how the Subconscious Mind needs to be SILENT. It is the Love System that drives Manifestation.
  • With our wishes we manifest. Not with our words or our minds. With our hearts.


  • Anger ends. When you do experience Anger, it is mild and you immediately communicate as a reaction, which reduces the Anger to mild frustration in most cases. This is the most defining characteristic of the 9th Perspective. Remember, your low functioning will be 7th Perspective, so when you are hangry, stressed or tired, the Anger will be more pronounced in those situations.

You had to learn Dignity. You had to come to value wanting to step into the perspectives of others and truly witness their experience.

The 10th Perspective

  • You can see these 10 Perspectives in everyone, with their Energy Karma Web, and The God Game becomes visible. How the Perspectives of Men (Stages 1 – 6) are ending and how The Perspectives of Gods are now beginning (Stages 7 – 12) and how the last part of this triad, (Stages 13 – 18) Complete the last stage of this triad… and completes the one angle of 3 of the first triad of 12.
  • The Self is Important
  • The Self makes all the Decisions
  • The Self has all the Authority
  • The Supreme Being is us combined. All 8 Billion of us.
  • The “God Game” becomes visible.
  • I still have no idea if I am the One Manifestor or if we all are. I don’t know if I made this world as it is. Or if we each made our own story.
  • You have an almost Protective responsibility to take care of all others and ourselves. (Cultivators… provide resources.)
  • You are Equal to All others.
  • You See how each pull on each thread pulls on another person.
  • You See how Energy is webbed into and through each Perspective.

I tired of the Abundance and Indulgence of Emotions and craved Logic. At this shift in Value and Priority, I left behind the 10th Perspective and moved into the 11th.

The most defining characteristic of the 10th to the 11th was my shift on “Romantic Love.” I suddenly was sick of “love. The “Addiction” and “Pursuit” of Love that I literally had all of my life was gone. It was as if I put it down and said, “I am officially SICK of “Love” and no longer want anything to do with it. The 11th Perspective was defined as a state of having a severe loathing, intolerance, aversion, and hatred for “Romantic Love.”

The 11th Perspective

  • You can see these 11 Perspectives in everyone, with their Energy Karma Web, and The God Game. How the Perspectives of Men (Stages 1 – 6) have ended, clearly defined, and how The Perspectives of Gods are now beginning (Stages 7 – 12) and how the last part of this triad, (Stages 13 – 18) Complete the last stage of this triad… and completes the one angle of 3 of the first triad of 12.
  • The Self is Important
  • The Self makes all the Decisions
  • The Self has all the Authority
  • The Supreme Being is us combined. All 8 Billion of us, but is also the One and the Universe.
  • The “God Game” becomes visible.
  • I still have no idea if I am the One Manifestor or if we all are. I don’t know if I made this world as it is. Or if we each made our own story.
  • You have an almost Protective responsibility to take care of all others and ourselves. (Cultivators… provide resources.)
  • You are Equal to All others.
  • You See how each pull on each thread pulls on another person.
  • You See how Energy is webbed into and through each Perspective.
  • Logic is received and is welcomed in while the embrace of All Emotions is united with the Logic to navigate, drive, and steer the Emotions.
  • Emotional Allowance is still very prominent, but Logic becomes the priority.
  • An absolute loathing, intolerance, aversion, and hatred for all Romantic Love is very prominent and I feel I could easily abandon all Romantic Love and Partner Love for the rest of my life.
  • Parroting and Authorship are clearly defined now and I can see where people repeat gossip and never claim their Authorship. I have lost all tolerance for parroted variations on gossip.

Near the end of the 11th, I felt a piece of that “aversion” to love chipping away. I felt the need to integrate Love with Logic. I suffered from severe fear when this occurred, resisting the “pull” to open myself up and to allow for future intimate partners that I did not want. I loved and wanted my aversion and resistance to romantic love.

I acknowledge that this resistance was very much trauma-based. I felt disgust and loathing for Romantic Love and adored the concept of abandoning all Romance, partnerships, and love.

The 12th Perspective

  • You can see these 12 Perspectives in everyone, with their Energy Karma Web, and The God Game. How the Perspectives of Men (Stages 1 – 6) have ended, and how The Perspectives of Gods are now beginning (Stages 7 – 12) and how the last part of this triad, (Stages 13 – 18) Complete the last stage of this triad… and completes the one angle of 3 of the first triad of 12.
  • The Self is Important
  • The Self makes all the Decisions
  • The Self has all the Authority
  • The Supreme Being is us combined. All 8 Billion of us.
  • The Universe, Intuition, and the Self are all one in the same.
  • The “God Game” is less important and is trivial.
  • I think I am the One Manifestor, but that may be just my Story. I don’t know if I made this world as it is. Or if we each made our own story.
  • You have an almost Protective responsibility to take care of all others and ourselves. (Cultivators… provide resources.) This however is much less defined.
  • You are Equal to All others.
  • You See how each pull on each thread pulls on another person.
  • You See how Energy is webbed into and through each Perspective.
  • I can see The Great Divide. The Modern Neanderthal vs. The Next Race of Human People who are evolving into the next evolutional stage of man.

I felt the Integration settle where Emotions merged with Logic and fully integrated in balance as I mastered the skill of balancing and allowing the ebb and flow of emotions with logic to steer and direct. And from this union, I saw, felt, knew, and understood “Love.”

It was in this moment that I realized that the 12 Stages of Ethical Perspective Growth are simply the 12 Ethical “ingredients” that compose Love. And through this Integration, when Love is known, there is birthed the next “Triangle.”

The I of I is complete, but also, the You of I begins.

It was upon the transition from the 12th Perspective when I discovered the 12 Ethic of Love that I suddenly understood: “Philosophy” did not mean “Love for Wisdom.” “Philosophy” meant “Wisdom Love.” Which, when the 12 Ethics are combined, create a Wiser Love than what we see in Romantic Love. Wisdom Love is the State of Being Love. It is the Defined Self-Love that, when utilized properly gives birth to Loving the Self, a Partner, and a Community with a Wisdom that establishes its Foundation in Self-Love, as opposed to Romantic Love that destroys and rots “The Self” and uses “The Self” to fertilize the “Relationship,” as the Romantic Love and Partner “Eats” The Self, devouring it like a Parasitic Praying Mantis.

Romantic Love is a Parasite that is designed to Self-Destruct the Unit. It was upon the transition from the 12th Perspective to the 1st Perspective of the You of I on 16 December 2023, that I suddenly saw the uncanny parallels between Narcissism, Romantic Love, and Christianity, all three of which are virtually identical in practice and doctrine.

Wisdom Love predates Rome by 400 years and was first discovered by Pythagoras.

Going forth, I dedicate my life and existence to Wisdom Love of which, I know very little about except that it’s foundation is the 12 Defined Ethics that make up the Foundation that is Self Love. All of Wisdom Love is built upon Self Love.

The 1st Perspective of the You of I

27 December 2023

  • You can see these 12 Perspectives in everyone, with their Energy Karma Web, and The God Game. How the Perspectives of Men (Stages 1 – 3) have ended. Stages 4 – 6 are all about Community and Social Building. How The Perspectives of Gods are now beginning (Stages 7 – 9) and how the last part of this triad, (Stages 10 – 12) are the Perspectives of Love and Logical Emotion.
  • Love is the Creator and the Ultimate “God” that Gives Birth to the next Triangle of Human Development and Growth. Love literal comes from Nothing.
  • The Self is Most Important
  • The Self makes all the Decisions
  • The Self has all the Authority and must claim their Story.
  • The Supreme Being is us combined. All 8 Billion of us and is also The One, The Self, The Universe all in one at the same time and individually.
  • The Universe, Intuition, and the Self are all one in the same.
  • The “God Game” is less important and is trivial.
  • I think I am The One Manifestor of my Story. I encourage others to claim themselves as the One Manifestor of their own Story.
  • You have an almost Protective responsibility to take care of all others and ourselves. (Cultivators… provide resources.) This however is much less defined.
  • You are Equal to All others.
  • You See how each pull on each thread pulls on another person.
  • You See how Energy is webbed into and through each Perspective.
  • I can see The Great Divide. The Modern Neanderthal vs. The Next Race of Human People who are evolving into the next evolutional stage of man.
  • My attention has shifted to the interest of Wisdom Love and learning the 12 Perspectives now alongside another Individual.
  • I can see now how the 1st Perspective must be applied to us both. How I, with my Self-Love must Define and Fortify my Self-Qualities and also my Partner too must nurture, love, and defined their self. That only individuals who have learned to value the Self as I are fit to be my Mate.
  • How I seek to solidify my Self-Love and my Mate’s Self-Love side-by-side like two pillars set to build something together. It is imperative that I support… much like a support beam in an architectural construct, where, while I hold up my end, I encourage my Mate to hold up his end and give him the patience and allowance and safe space of Unconditional Belonging so that he too can nurture his own support.

Patience and Compassion are new emotions.

Empathetic is a new emotions (is this due to the purging of the Narcissism?)

I realized my desire for a Partner of my own and My King. I finally separated “My King” as a Title and Position from all men in my life so that it is my loyalty and commitment to the Title that I hold myself to. That the Title can be gifted, is the ultimate gift, that I can strip away, remove, and bestow as I see fit to the proper Mate who has earned this gift from me.

I am eager to see how resourcefulness and the 2nd Ethic will come together with a Mate to see what enfolds.

Your Second Number

Your Subconscious Mind’s Perspective is the Perspective that you were most abused by.

  • 2nd Perspectives abuse with Religion and Traditions.
  • 3rd Perspectives abuse strategically with Forced Perspectives, Sexual Control, and physical Violence.
  • 4th Perspectives (The Common Perspective), abuse with politics and “following the rules” and making sure you get a 9-5 job.