“I’ve always been different.”

The hardest thing I face every day is my own criticism. I look at my Business, at my image, and my “mascot” and my website. I see what everyone else is doing and I’m different.

I’ve always been different.

I think, “This isn’t what the “Professionals” are doing.”  They are sleek and simple. Clean and basic.

I look at mine, and it’s covered in art and I have SO MUCH… I’m told by many, “You give them too many options! They’ll never buy from you!”

And I think… “Do I come off as professional?” No.

Will they take me seriously?

But I think also of what I wanted. Of what I’m sick of seeing. I think of the boring, simple, basic, “cookie cutter” profiles. Everyone wearing black. “Professional” has come to mean “Identical” and “without Identity.”

I thought, “I don’t want that for me. And my people will not want that for them.”

I wanted Field Trips for Adults and Kindergarten Rooms for Grown Ups. I wanted Imagination and Playgrounds and Simple. The problem with Adults is things are Simple on the Outside, but Complex on the inside.

But with me, I’m Complex on the Outside and Simple on the Inside.

And then I smile at my Playgrounds and Colors, my Crowns and tank tops. My Imagination and colors… And… I realize… I’m glad I’m always Different. Otherwise, I’d be no different than every one else out there.

And I’m not doing “the same thing” as every one else. Because I’m not the same thing as every one else. And you know what?

In today’s world, I think that’s very good.

Anna Imagination