BAck pirate therapy

Welcome aboard the Pirate Therapy DIY Campaign! We’re excited to present to you a groundbreaking initiative aimed at empowering individuals to overcome mental illness and embark on a journey of healing, free from the fear of judgment from therapists.

The Benefits


This DIY program is not just about managing symptoms; it's about addressing the root causes of mental illness and empowering individuals to reclaim their lives.


Through a series of modules, participants will embark on a journey of self-exploration, guided reflection, and actionable steps towards healing.


From coping strategies to mindfulness practices, Anna's program equips individuals with the tools they need to cultivate resilience, find inner peace, and foster emotional well-being.

What You Will Get:

At the heart of this campaign lies a simple yet profound mission – to make mental wellness accessible to everyone. We believe that healing should not be reserved for the privileged few; it’s a fundamental human right. By supporting this campaign, you’re not just backing a program; you’re contributing to a movement towards greater compassion, understanding, and support for those struggling with mental illness.

Observers ($10)
Observers will receive the warm fuzzy from supporting an accessible and independent DIY Healing process for all.
Local Heroes ($25)
Local Heroes will receive a digital copy of the story book.
Pre-Order NOW!
Regional Heroes ($50)
Regional Heroes will receive a digital copy of the story book and a digital copy of the ASMR.
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Realm Heroes ($100)
Realm Heroes will receive a digital copy of the story book, a digital copy of the ASMR, and a digital copy of the Workbook 1.
World Heroes ($150)
World Heroes will receive a digital copy of the story book, a digital copy of the ASMR, a digital copy of the Workbook 1, and in-depth videos.
Epic Heroes ($250)
Epic Heroes will receive a digital copy of the story book, a digital copy of the ASMR, a digital copy of the Workbook 1, in-depth videos, and 1 Group Q&A Session.
Legacy Hero ($500)
Legacy Heroes will receive a digital copy of the story book, a digital copy of the ASMR, a digital copy of the Workbook 1, in-depth videos, 1 Group Q&A Session, and 1 Private Session.
Prestige Heroes ($1,000)
Prestige Heroes will receive a digital copy of the story book, a digital copy of the ASMR, a digital copy of the Workbook 1, in-depth videos, 1 Group Q&A Session, and 3 Private Sessions.
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The Story:

Anna Imagination, known for her insightful writings and philosophical musings, has a story that transcends her literary achievements. For years, she battled through the shadows of trauma and abuse, navigating the complexities of mental illness. But amidst the darkness, she unearthed a powerful truth – a truth that became the cornerstone of her own healing journey.
Driven by a relentless pursuit of understanding and self-discovery, Anna crafted a DIY program that not only healed her own wounds but has the potential to heal countless others. Now, Anna is ready to share her transformative program with the world.

Grab Your Copy NOW!

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