Our Mission

“To provide Ethical Leaders with a respite and all the resources we have available for pursuing an Ethical, Rich, Happy, Healthy, and Prosperous Life in a Narcissistic, Unethical World.” – Anna Imagination

For the People

  • To help you find your current position in life
  • To help you discover who you truly are
  • To help you Restore your Identity, your Authority, and your Autonomy to you
  • To help you find your Dream Life Destination and to get you there

For the Healers (Parents, Teachers, Healers, Entrepreneurs)

  • To teach Ethical Teachers how to teach others using Perspective Thinking
  • To get Triadic Healing into the hands of every school in the US.
  • To teach Rebel Parents how to parent using Ethical Parenting
  • To introduce and integrate a new healthy alternative to Parenting
  • To teach Survivors and Warriors how to heal using Triadic Healing
  • To bridge the Perspective Gap through effective Communication

For the World

  • To provide people with a superior alternative to resolve and manage mental health in the United States than what is currently available.
  • To re-structure the way we approach Mental Health, Trauma Recovery, and Wellness by changing the way we approach the Subconscious Mind and Mental Health in the US and in the World.
  • To provide Intellectuals with DYI Mental Health tools that they can use to heal themselves without the aid of a therapist or a system designed to enable only the system.
  • To Organize and Nurture Our Society toward World Peace
  • To Heal and Mend the World using Love, Manifestation, Kindness, and Triadic Healing
  • To restore the 5 Lost Subjects to the World (The Science of Comprehension: Subconscious Mind Discipline, Ethics, Abstract Navigation, Power Economics, Learning and Teaching)


  • To get philosophy and psychology into every school.
  • To make “Perspective Thinking” mainstream in our homes and our lives.
  • To build self-sustaining Healing Homes for the Homeless Community and women in need of a stable, healthy environment to heal while they start their life over.
  • To teach the world to not just tolerate religions and our differences, but to celebrate them.

“I believe in world peace. I believe that we will see it in this lifetime. I know how. I have a plan. Help me build this world into what we want.” – Anna Imagination


Get Involved

All the things we do at The Healing Garden:

  • Healing for the People
  • Healing for Cultivators
  • Healing for the World
  • PANDO Connectwork
  • Anna’s Playground
  • Business To Business

Anna’s Creed

  1. Education then Wise Learning (Not Awareness) is the First Step to Recovery.
  2. Prioritize the Safety, Autonomy, Perspectives, and Freedoms of the Self and of Others.
  3. Honor and Respect the Freedom of others.
  4. Protect your Perspective. Protect your alignment.
  5. Come here to learn and to know your Self. Always be willing to learn all you can on the Self.
  6. Conflict, Suffering, and Pain is the Universe telling you that you have inner healing to do.
  7. Take Responsibility for the Management of your System.
  8. Choose to educate yourself and take responsibility for your healing.
  9. Preserve the Energy Pool. Be mindful of the Energy Pool and protect it.
  10. Emotions are logical and are to be accepted as a valuable part of the Self.


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