Privacy Policy Form

Anna LOVES numbers and statistics. She LOVES to see Identities at work. She loves to leave open-ended questions to see what people do with the things she creates.

All information submitted by you is for Anna’s team only (and Anna, because she is *that* kind of nerd) to assess for Common Denominators, Anomalies, make Mathematical Trajections based on Chain Reactions and Human Behavior, and also to see how The Pando Connectwork moves and breathes.
It is UNETHICAL BUSINESS PRACTICE to sell, give, provide, share, trade information with 3rd Parties. Anna calls this “Client/Business” Confidentiality. And it is STRONGLY ENFORCED at The Healing Garden.
Businesses breathe like people. Every statistic is a “Vital Sign” in a Business that tells “the Doctor” (Anna) the “health” condition of the Business. So thank you. So very much for trusting us with your information. We respect, honor, and acknowledge your vulnerability, and we will preserve and protect your gift.

We value your trust, privacy, and your Power of Choice so much that we work to preserve it. Your information stays with The Healing Garden, The HMS Alexandria, and Anna Imagination. No exceptions.

Not ever.


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