
Journey Into The Self (Monthly Membership)

$95.00 / month and a $400.00 sign-up fee

The days of University Tuition are numbered. We don’t “vet” for Quality. We turn our Students into Quality. Our students enter as a “Consumer” taking more from society than they give, and leave a “Resource Generator,” contributing more to Society than they take. This is how you balance and Fix The Economy.

Receive the same Education as Plato, Pythagoras, Euclid, Christ, Socrates, Aristotle, and Plutarch.

Our Literature is Free. Students only pay for unlimited access to The Professor.

Membership is an Accelerator. It provides students with access to the Philosopher for Q&A, Follow up, Discussion, Exploratory Dialogues, and assignments with Training.

Welcome To

The Healing Garden’s Classroom Communities


Everyone has full access to The Healing Garden’s Educational Material. Our Courses are Free Online. But to those who seek an Integrated Hybrid Learning in our WhatsApp Groups, we have The Healing Garden Membership.

Our WhatsApp Classroom Communities include:

๐Ÿ‘‰ Anna’s Playground (Triadic Healing Through Play and Imagination)

๐Ÿ‘‰ Build-A-Business for C Suite Executives (Aspiring and Realized)

๐Ÿ‘‰ The Valkyrie Lightworkers Training

Membership includes our Saturday Masterclass at 11:00 AM EST

Membership opens access to

  • In-Group Guidance For Triadic Healing Part #1
  • In-Group Guidance For Triadic Healing Part #2
  • In-Group Guidance For Triadic Healing Part #3
  • Weekly Meetings and Instruction, Q&A and Walkthrough
  • Train. Prepare. Fortify.
  • Become a Certified Valkyrie Lightworker who has Achieved Mastery in Ethical Action-Taking Leadership
  • Receive the Honorary Ethical Badge of Approval on your Business or Organization

We Serve The Underdog who stood by their Ethics, no matter what, and often at the expense of their popularity, mental health, safety, and wealth. All that we built, we built for you.

We honor you. We Commend You.

How we Honor The Underdog


We provide the World with an ETHICAL ALTERNATIVE TO LIFE with PANDO, our Societal PlugIn that Upgrades Society to a HIGHER ETHICAL STANDARD by providing a DIFFERENT kind of KNOWLEDGE never seen before. This is the Ancient Greek Educational System with 7 New Academic Disciplines.

Our Agenda is Integrated Learning + Strategic Action > Low Energy < High ROI

Do you struggle…

…with Mental Illness?
…building your Business in a way that makes you feel good?
…finding your own path in a dog-eat-dog world?

Is your Healing Journey more of a Rocky Road?

The problem is the QUALITY of EDUCATION you received. All of the problems listed above ARE THE SAME PROBLEM: Low Quality Education on “How to Be Happy AND Ethical In Life.”

For Adults, we Offer Anna’s Playground : A Learning Facility for the Adult Peter Pan because PLAY is how we LEARN


Our Classes Are 100% Modeled After Pythagoras’ and Plato’s Educational System and Learning Formula


  • No Tests
  • No Evaluations
  • No “Teacher Assessments”
  • No Grades
  • Your Emotional Health, Prosperity, Wealth, Success, and Happiness is our Metric
  • Graduates are given recognition in our Halls (We like the idea of a sculpted marble bust of you)
  • Graduates receive invitation to the Annual Alumni Event in New York City


Low Risk. High ROI.

$95 / monthย 

$950 / Year

(One time $400 Application Fee)

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