Self-Authority (2)

The Ethical “To Do” List for Self-Authority

Academic Logic of Study: Music, Song, and Dance & Painting, Drawing, & Sculpting

The Stage of Processing: Feeling and Intuition, Complex Translation

The Learning Stage: Indulge B (Avoid A)

  • Your Authority : The Head of The Household, God, or The Designated Leader of your Community
  • Your Value : Serving the Community
  • Your Priority : Contributing to The Societal/Community Role you have been given
  • Your Ethic : Dedicated to The Community, Finding Purpose in Community Role (to the detriment of The Self)
  • Your Strength : Excitement, Helpful, Involved, Extroverted, Serving
  • Your Weakness : Too “Addicted” to Approval to “Break” from the Societal Role to become Independent and Accept your Own Authority. Can become too Obedient. Too Conforming without Question. Self-Sacrificing for the Community. Never questions Authority to the extent of abandoning your own Self-Preservation.
  • Your Challenge : Learning to Value Moderation through your own Self-Authority. Learning to Appreciate the Values of balanced Safety with Risk, Love with Discomfort/Fear
  • Your Indulgence : Risk, Play, Exploration, Community, and Adventure / Fear / Discomfort
  • Your Avoidance/Aversion : Safety / Love / The Self / Making up your own Mind, Thinking for Your Self

Consequences of not Learning The Ethic: Over-Indulgence of Servitude and Obedience to the point of Self-Destruction. Borderline Personality Disorder, Co-Dependency, A belief that you are incapable of “Saving yourself.” A misplaced Value of Unconditional Acceptance and Tolerance for Conditional Abusers.


Self-Authority For Parents and Teachers

Self-Authority For Parenting The Self

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