The Healing Journey Plan


There are three possible paths you can take through the Healing Garden.

All three Healing Journey Plans will get you to the “Top” of Everest. Once there, you can choose which Life Path is best for you.

To break this down, I’ve presented an outline of these three Healing Journey Plans and the Life Paths that await you after. You will need to decide which Healing Journey Plan is best for you. Eventually, you will need to choose which Life Path best suits you.

So the question is HOW will you get to your Destination and WHERE will you go after?

You can change your mind as many times as you want.

You can make your decision any time you want. There is no time limit. There is no decision other than your own. The Healing Garden just compiled the resources for you.

Which Healing Journey is best for you?

Imagine, I’m standing there with you at the base of Mount Everest saying, “I have a compass, a map, A list of resources, and a Guide for your climb up Everest. How much do you want to spend? How much time do you want this to take? How much guidance and direction do you want?”

At The Healing Garden, it is our mission to get you your coordinates, a compass, a plan, and a map through your healing. How many resources and guidance you want along your journey is where the Plans begin to differ.

Let’s browse the different plans we offer at The Healing Garden and determine which one is best for you!

Step #1 – Choose Your Healing Journey Style

I like DIY Healing

Your Available Options:

  • The Basic Healing Journey 
  • The Healing Journey to Happiness
  • The Full Montague Burton (The Full Monty) 

Get your Healing Journey Plan

I like Group Guidance

Your Available Options:

  • The Basic Healing Journey 
  • The Healing Journey to Happiness
  • The Full Montague Burton (The Full Monty) 

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I like One-On-One Guidance

Your Available Options:

  • The Basic Healing Journey 
  • The Healing Journey to Happiness
  • The Full Montague Burton (The Full Monty) 

Get your Healing Journey Plan

I like a Hybrid of Guidance

Your Available Options:

  • The Basic Healing Journey 
  • The Healing Journey to Happiness
  • The Full Montague Burton (The Full Monty) 

Get your Healing Journey Plan

Step #2 – Choose Your Healing Journey Type

I’m here for The Healing Journey

Your Available Options:

  • The Basic Healing Journey 
  • The Healing Journey to Happiness
  • The Full Montague Burton (The Full Monty) 

Get your Healing Journey Plan

I’m here for The Pilgrimage

Your Available Options:

  • The Game
  • The Game : I’d like to be a Contender

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I am a Cherry Picker

Your Available Options:

The Cherry Picker is someone who like to “FreeStyle” their Healing. They already have a Healing Journey Plan and they just want to supplement the missing parts. We provide you with the Full Picture of Optimum Mental Wealth and you select the parts you want to enhance with our Services.

This is also the individual who is quite happy with their life and they just are looking to “tweak” a thing or two.

Get your Healing Journey Plan

Step #3 – Choose Your Life Path

At the end of your Healing Journey, at the Top of Everest, there is an old woman, a Sage, sitting outside of a cave. She is Anna, because this is Anna’s world and Anna can be whoever Anna wants to be in Anna’s world. And Anna wants to be a Sage. Upon completion of your Healing Journey, you will have three choices:

The Individual Life Path Choice #1

End your Journey here, enjoy the fruits of your labor, and indulge in your happiness. Classes end here. Go. Live free and be happy!

The Cultivator Life Path Choice #2

Embrace the life of a Cultivator. You have one more Stage of Study to go.

This is the path for those who want to use Triadic Healing in their parenting, in their teaching, or in their healing of others. Their goal is to pass Triadic Healing onto others through example and instruction. I refer to these individuals as “Cultivators.”

The Global Healer Life Path Choice #3

Here you have the option to become Certified in The Healing Garden’s Triadic Healing.

Embrace the life of a Global Healer or a Lightworker. You have two more stages of study to go and one of those stages requires Certification through The Healing Garden.

With the Global Healer Life Path you can:

  • Use Triadic Healing in your own healing business!
  • Work with The Healing Garden and assist Anna!
  • Join Anna’s Lightworker’s Guild as we work to organize World Peace!

Anna only considers people who complete this stage for her Lightworkers’ Guild. If your final goal is to join The Healing Garden and Anna Imagination as a Lightworker under Triadic Healing, then you will be required to complete this stage and get your Certification!

No one else will be considered. No exceptions.

Begin Your Healing Journey!

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