The Zoroaster and Cthulu University of Magical Science, Arcana, and Wizardry

Wizard : A Philosopher or a Sage

Magi : Wise Men

Wisdom : Magic

Magic begins where Philosophy ends.


Have you ever wondered what happened to King Solomon’s Wisdom?

Solomon’s Temple was a University where Zarathustra (Zoroaster) studied. The 3 Wise Men (The Magi) were students of Zoroaster. The Magi, were Magicians (Real ones), which is why they were studying the stars. They were actually reading The Everything Clock.

They were practicing real Divination, which is how they knew when, where, and how to find the Christ Child. They taught Euclid and Pythagoras.

Pythagoras called Solomon’s Wisdom “Philosophy” and taught Plato.

Who taught Socrates and Aristotle.

Who turned Athens, Greece, and Alexandria into a Society of Learning, Wisdom, and Education in the likeness of Solomon-turned-Zoroastrian Society.

Which is why The Lighthouse of Pharos was built in Alexandria. To symbolize Knowledge.

I am a student of Plato. I have the Wisdom and Knowledge of Solomon, Zoroaster, Pythagoras, and Plato. And I have built a school, The Zoroaster and Cuthlu University of Magic, Wizadry, and The Arcane Arts.

PS – This wisdom contains everything you need on Problem Solving, Wealth, Finance, Economics, Parenting, Teaching, Learning, Living, Abundance, Prosperity, and Magic.


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