Welcome, my Beautiful Sunshine People!

Hello, My People!

Welcome to The Philosopher’s Fountain! This is my Thinking Space where I love to sit down and just think about life, the universe, and everything.

It is always where I receive answers and contemplations to the Koan’s I provide in my emails!

I am in the process of building The Healing Garden and Alexandria. The only way to this space is through one of my Email Lists.

Which means, you are ready to upgrade your Healing Garden Experience.

To supplement the 12 Ethics Email Challenge, head to Triadic Healing. I am currently in the process of uploading all of those courses, but for now, you can review everything available.


The purpose of Triadic Healing is to break down the Toxic Mindset embedded into you that causes Trauma. Triadic Healing is the Purification of your Mindset to restore Your Identity and You to Your Self.

We Teach you The Lost Science of Human Propagation, Comprehension, Power Economics, Logic, Problem Solving, and Pythagorean Psychology. All of this is broken down in Simple Science for Practical Use, which is structured 100% around Edgar Dale’s “The Scope of Learning” and and Plato’s Curriculum.

Registered Students are invited to join Journey Into The Self where we sit down and utilize Exploratory Dialogue in Formal Argument and Debate, Q&A, and Follow Up questions regarding Triadic Healing.


We also invite you to review our other Email Lists.


From Email 12 Ethics → https://www.annashealinggarden.org/subscribe-to-the-12-ethics-email-challenge/?swcfpc=1


From Email PANDO → https://www.hmsalexandria.org/subscribe-to-pando/


From Problem Prevention Email → https://www.annashealinggarden.org/subscribe-to-problem-prevention-for-ethical-easy-living/?swcfpc=1


The Healing Garden News and Announcements Board!

This is the space where Anna pins things on the News and Announcements Board so you always know what Events and upcoming Activities are available for your Resources! To view The Full List of News and Announcements, Go here. 

1 – Play The Game and join this RPG/Pokemon-Go Styled Quest Line to enhance your Healing Journey and Pilgrimage “The Nerd Way” Learn More

2 – The Healing Reformation and the Radical Global Healing Plan has begun! We are changing the way The World does Healing, Education, Economics, and Business! Learn More 

3 – The Healing Garden’s HEALING CYBER-CONVENTION and Saturnalia is in August! Join this All-In-One Healing Resource Oasis and Encompass a New Way of Healing! Learn More

The Healing Garden is a portion of Alexandria City located within The Abstract. It’s easy to get lost. If ever you lose your way around The Healing Garden or Alexandria, you may always access the Directory. There is a lot to do here and a lot to offer. Options are Freedom. 


Can’t get enough of The Healing Garden? Want more? Visit The Respite Center for Triadic Healing and more games and challenges to aid in your Healing and/or Pilgrimage! 100% of The Healing Garden is designed around the Nurturing and Propagation of The 12 Ethics.   

Did you miss a previous Newsletter? View our Newsletter Archives

May the kindest of words always find you.

Anna S. Imagination

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