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Men. It’s Time Your Conscious Awareness Has That Talk With Your Inner Self. Women. We Need Your Help With This One.


I rarely get an idea that I don’t act on. Here is my latest thought.

One of my readers commented about his past abuse and another follower of mine congratulated him for opening up and commented that more men need to open up.

I replied with :

Absolutely! Yes! How do we say to men, “This is a safe space. You are safe now. You can open up and talk and we will work to preserve this space for you to explore your feelings and thoughts.” I almost (strongly almost) want to carve out a place where women can receive men and give them a floor like that to speak openly and freely, and women defend that space for them.

And this Article is the dissection of that concept.

Our culture conditions men to be “X” in order to be loved and wanted by a woman. Toxic Business Models Psychologically attack men with this concept. Toxic Marketing and Unethical Business practices have done a lot to shape the very TOXIC Collective Consciousness.

My Mission is to use Radical Disruption of Pythagorean Psychology to revive the Subconscious Mind.

Subconscious Minds are like rubber bands.

Without exercise, the Mind “gets comfortable” with whatever routine the Conscious Awareness feeds it. Complacency results.

Mental Diversification (A very Unique Mental Skill that we teach at The Healing Garden) is the Discipline of throwing a “monkey wrench” into the Routine and Mental Habits of the Subconscious Mind.

The Mind goes, “What is this!?” And…

Are we all paying attention?

…it Changes things up with Radical Disruption to Solve the Problem. Except…

People are not taught how to train their Subconscious Mind to do Radical Disruption.

So when a Problem hits, the Mind freezes, fawns, or shuts down.

If the Mind fought or ran away (Flight or Fight), that would actually be a GOOD thing and a healthy sign that the Subconscious Mind regularly practices Mental Diversification.

But most Minds Freeze, Fawn, or Shut Down.

Radical Disruption training with Mental Diversification is POWERFUL in training the Subconscious Mind to OPEN up, Adapt, and Change to fit the New Situation.

This is Learning. This is Thinking. This is absent from our Society.

So we are using Radical Disruption (via our Newsletters and Courses) to shock your Subconscious Mind alive so it can say, “Hey! Something different! What is that!?”

In using a… Let’s build it right here, right now… A Gentle, Nourishing Circle, made by women to invite all men in to open and talk… By adding the Women’s support to this circle, they get the visual and mental acknowledgement that they are safe. They are loved. They are accepted. And the Women present will 100% ban all ridicule or mockery of the men opening up.

It will teach the men, show the men, that their feelings and “gentle” softer side will not push away or loose women, but earn their nourishing support.

But the Gender Wars MUST be abandoned.

I invite you to comment on this post. Open up and speak. Set the example. Use your courage to talk and explore. And I will monitor and support you and keep you safe.

And that is truly, the message and the point.

You are safe here. You are absolutely loved and accepted as you are.

We celebrate the Humanity. If you are a woman, encourage the men, invite them in. Show them that women accept them and welcome their gentle side.

Men, explore your Inner Self. Open up. Dig deep. We will hold your hand and walk you through the process.

This is your stage. You are safe. Courage to be Vulnerable. Courage to Open up. Only then can Human Connection happen.

This is a Skill. It takes practice. And right now, you are either a pre-Apprentice, an Apprentice, or a Tradesmen at having the Courage to Open up to embrace your won Vulnerability.

I am a Master at this Skill. I know the steps and will gently, lovingly, walk you through it.

Start with a topic, any topic, that may be difficult for you to discuss. It’s the Fear of Judgement you face. Fear of slander. Fear of Criticism.

And in this space, there will not be any. It will not be allowed. The Women will defend this space.

Your Assignment:

If you are a man, comment on this article. Practice the Skills Courage and Vulnerability, which leads to Human Connection.

If you are a woman, encourage the men and empower them through unconditional acceptance and Unconditional Belonging.

  1. Conscious Awareness (The Theory via Anna’s Videos and Writings)

  2. Mental Diversification (Practical Practiced Skills in Real Life Application)

  3. Exploratory Dialogues (Discussion : Anna’s Weekly Workshops)

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