Mathematics Demystified
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The Order of Operations (Sequencing) in everything is, with Disintegration, the relationship between Independent Foundation to Dependent. 

During Disintegration (Creation-Evolution Stage #1), The Dependent comes to Define the Self through Relative Comparisons in Ratio of Strengths and Weakness between Parent to Creation. 

At the Point of most Disintegration, the Dependent must go through “Telophase” prior to beginning the Reconstruction Stage of Evolution-Creation. At which time, the Dependent reassembles itself into an Integrated Whole. This is the Integration of Tuition that is Learning, hence “Intuition.”

During Reconstruction (Evolution-Creation Stage #2), The Dependent transforms into an Integrated Whole and is no longer “Dependent” on the Foundation “Parent.” The Integrated Whole, defines itself New from the Parent while becoming a stronger, more Evolved version of the Parent… The Integrated Whole.

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