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Teen Freedom Course
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The 12 Ethics + Plato’s Curriculum + The Healing Garden

This Education Formula packs a Punch. Here is how to incorporate it into your current Education. 

  1. Use Plato’s Curriculum as your “Extra Curricular Activity.” Start with Music. I recommend Piano and Singing. Be sure to include Music Theory.
  2. Read Sophie’s World by Jostein Gaardner
  3. Read “Not Nice” by Dr. Aziz Gazipura
  4. Read 7 Habits For Highly Effective People
  5. Reach Rich Dad, Poor Dad (No matter how old you are. It was written for 9 year olds)
  6. Read The Silva Mind Method by Jose Silva
  7. Supplement with The Great Books (Any Books of your choice, but stick with the Great Books). Make plans to read these books for the rest of your life.
  8. Follow the 12 Ethics. Go through that course at your own pace, but become Consciously Aware of the Ethics and invest in your Ethical IQ and your Ethical Education.

The 12 Ethics, The User Manual Of The Subconscious Mind, Emotional Management, all of it is addressed in The 12 Ethics. 

Our mission is Integrated Work > Low Energy < High Impact (Reward). 

100% of our Education focuses on Mental Diversity instead of Multi-Tasking.

There is “Working Hard.”

Disintegrated Work < High Energy > Low Impact (Reward). 


There is “Working Smart.”

Disintegrated Work + Strategic Action > Medium to High Energy < High Impact (Reward). 


This is “Working Wise.” 

Integrated Work + Strategic Action > Low to No Energy < High Impact (Reward). 


The Education we give you is “Working Wise” so you will get High Results with little to no Energy Cost, but it DOES take the Energy to train your Mind to get to this point. 

And you will notice how much more you are getting done with little to know Energy Spent.

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