Power of Choice is really what sits at the heart of Authority.
Either you have it or you don’t.
The moment you don’t want, but you do, you are not free.
The moment you do want, but you can’t, you are not free.
Authority Figures are the bullies who tell you what you can and can’t do because THEY want YOUR Power of Choice.
Self-Authority is saying to them, at any age, YOU CAN’T HAVE MY POWER OF CHOICE.
And then not valuing the Bully’s “reward” for your Obedience.
This is Personal
I lived a slave for 40 years. From 1980 to 2020.
This Delusion was the hardest to break.
Furthermore, when I realized the Delusion, I could see it in every single one of us. NO ONE has any idea.
I thought, “How the hell do I tell all of America that they are all slaves?”
Being so articulate, so logically pure that they can’t NOT listen to me when I speak. That they can’t NOT deny what I have to show them.
So I accepted the task of Mastering Communication, Ethical Integrity, and Peace… just so you would listen to me and understand.
Slavery does not look like Slavery on the inside. Not even when you are wearing chains and being tortured.
Slavery does not look like Slavery on the inside when you are being evaluated for sexual value to be traded or bred.
Slavery does not look like Slavery when you are being negotiated for price.
Because Slavery is really WEAPONIZED FEAR.
Slavery was a decorated name to hide the Truth — it’s real name — so the Slave Owners couldn’t and wouldn’t fight it.
Slavery then hid the name Slavery under another Name.
- Obedience.
- Nice.
- Kind.
- Husband.
- Love.
Names were Weaponized against us.
Fear and Names.
Then we celebrate The 4th of July in America… and we hear the Motto “It’s a Free Country” so we don’t even think about it.
I was enslaved by my Alter who would not let me speak or even run my own Body for 32 years.
I was enslaved by the approval of a Father I could not have.
I was enslaved by a brother who would beat me if…
I was enslaved with chains by a “boyfriend” who would kill me if…
I was enslaved by an Trafficker who would rape me if I wasn’t logical
I was enslaved by a husband with medications if…
I was enslaved by a husband when…
I was enslaved by a 2nd husband with him torturing my children if…
I was enslaved by my employer who would fire me if I didn’t do…
I was enslaved by the clock if I didn’t go…
You know what?
Every single one of these situations FELT THE EXACT SAME WAY.
Being raped on a bed with chains for 6 months felt the exact same way as being forced to go to a job I couldn’t STAND or I wouldn’t be able to FEED MY CHILDREN… Felt the same way if I didn’t make a husband HAPPY he would beat my children to control me…
Parents refusing our Boundaries is the FIRST Slavery.
Forced Education is the SECOND Slavery.
LAW is the ultimate Slavery.
Obedience in place of Ethical Education is slavery.
Chew on that for awhile.
And yes, there is a solution.
One that Abusers and Bullies ARE NOT going to like.
Because it exposes them and strips them of their Power.