This is the real problem.
The Power For Profit Enterprise that every Educator, Politician, and Psychologist has us all enslaved under.
I do have solutions for all of this, but first we have got to sort through the Delusion and Break it.
… Getting Coffee…
First… This is vital, IF a person was developed to the 5th Ethic and 6th by 5 and 6 years old like Mother Nature intended, then this would not at all be a problem.
It is the Biological Disruption that caused the problem and nurtures the problem, worsening it.
The Mission is to get us out of this problem, restore us to the Biological Progression (Our Learning Journey of the Discovered Self of these 12 Ethics), and then to transition the Adult Foundationals while Nourishing the Children Foundationals.
We have the plan already worked out and it is in motion.
The problem we have is The Educators and the Psychologists.
The Psychologists have no power. Freud Psychology has proven to be part of the Clown’s Circus and everyone has figured that out. With Pythagorean Psychology now on the side, Psychology will die out all on its own doing.
The Educators are the Problem.
People, our Children, are the Substance of Bullies Control Addiction.
And they legally used Education to do this.
So your Child’s education is not about your Children’s Education.
It was never about YOUR Education.
It was about Bullies using YOU and your Children as the Substance of their Addiction Fix: Power and Control.
Now either you are NOT the bully and you KNOW this. You FEEL it. Deep down… even right now, you’re going, “OH MY GOD THAT IS SO TRUE!”
Or you’re a bully getting pissed because you’ve been called out on your Addiction.
Self. Honesty.
If we are not going to get this out in the open, then we are NOT going to fix the problem.