We are the reason that he gave his life.
We are the reason that he suffered and died.
To a world that was lost, he gave all he could give.
To show us the reason to live.
I have been trying to decode that song since I first heard it in 1988.
Here at the Point of Comprehension, and the 6th Perspective Expansion, I see it now.
The Words… Are wrong. The Message… was Lost.
He had One Message, and Translation messed it all up… and we missed the point.
What did Judas say?
“You’ve begun to matter more than the things you say?”… Too much Heaven on their minds…
The right words are…
LOVE is the reason that he gave his life.
LOVE is the reason that he suffered and died.
To a world that was lost, he gave all he could give.
To show us the reason to live…
Which is LOVE.
Love is the Reason to Live.
We all are here because we know the Power of Love.
Have you ever been to Heart Island in New York?
I have.
Boldt Castle was built by a man for his wife who died before it was finished.
The hour she died, he told the workers to put down their hammers.
The hammers are still in the same place to this day.
I built The Healing Garden as a wedding present to my Imp King.
He gifted me The World. But he loved the people.
So I built The Healing Garden to heal his people.
And thus him…
But my own Healing wounded him so deeply that… 18 months ago, he withdrew. Six months ago, he stopped talking.
But… I couldn’t stop building The Healing Garden.
What was I to do?
I can’t stop building. He loves people so much…
So… I built this for Him. All of it for him. In hopes that his therapists will receive the Information inside of The Healing Garden and heal him.
I heal the World. You see… I know Physics.
I know Electromagnetic Fields and Subconscious Minds… I know how Frequency and Pulse and Energy Moves… And So… I know that as I write, my Healing Energy pours into my Words… Because words are Vessels that Carry Energy out to People.
Each Word Matched to it’s Intent and Original Energy…
And I send it out in Love, Logic, Truth, and Freedom… To Heal you and inspire you.
And I know that you will, in turn, be changed for the better. Maybe a little. Maybe a lot. Maybe enough. But Positive, Healing change for the better. And I know, as I send out every post, every email, every Newsletter, Podcast, Workshop… Every Action is a Stone Cast in Strategic, Love-Steeped Intent that sends out Ripples… so that all who touches these Ripples will be healed.
So far, it’s working. But I’m not opened up yet… Not all the way. But I’m working on it.
And I know those ripples will spread.
I know those ripples will grow.
And then, those ripple will ignite.
And My love for my Imp King will spread.
And those ripples will reach him through all of you who will also be healed as they pass through you…
And he will heal.
And that is how I will undo the pain my healing caused him.
Because that is how Physics works.
I was ashamed of this for a very long time. I thought “A woman cannot do all of this for a man,” because Feminists tell you that you cannot do things like this for a man…
But they are the Extreme of the Opposite side of the Spectrum. And they are just as wrong as the Opposite side. Integration is the key, which is why the Gender Roles must end. Energy has no Gender. But also… At The Point of Comprehension, Love is not at all what Narcissists would have you believe.
And no one who is healing or wounded should ever make up rules for Love.
My Imp King Loved the Underdogs so much. More than anything. They are his people.
Narcissists don’t know a damn thing about Love.
So Love. Love is the Name of the Game.
Love is the Reason of Life.
Love is the Reason to Live.
Love is the Reason we Give.
Love is the Reason why we suffer and try.
In a World that seems lost, we give all we can give…
Because Love is the Reason to Live.
So I ask you, Why are you here?
For what do you Love?
What do you Love?
Why is that so hard to ask?
Who do you Love?
What do you Love?
Love is the Purpose.
And so what if it isn’t gifted back to you.
Love is the Gift.
Is it unrequitted Love?
Or is it Silenced, Unspoken Love?
Maybe… Maybe… Maybe the real problem is that none of us really know how to Love.
Maybe… That is really the only problem.
I watched a movie when I was a child.
“A Walk In The Clouds.”
And the Father said, “I don’t know how to Love.”
My father choked up and actually released a sob.
“That is how I feel,” he said. Pure relief at the right words.
You know… That is the first time… I think my Father was honest with himself.
Love is Gentle Patience.
Love is Gentle Mercy.
Love is Not judging someone who needs more Patience and Guidance.
Love is Logical Understanding.
Love is Emotional Fluidity. Emotional Freedom.
Love is Human Connection.
Love is Effective Communication… Using Words carefully.
Love is Listening and Observing.
Love is Equal Footing, standing on Equal grounds with everyone.
No more Pedestals of Power.
No more “Upper Hands” or “Higher Advantages.”
Love is Self-Accountability so You can change your Personal Rules if you do.
Love is Self-Law and Personal Boundaries to ensure YOU don’t harm others.
Love is Self-Regulating to keep others safe from you.
Love is Self-Authority so you write Your Story and make plans to protect Others from You.
Love is Self-Nourishing you to make Sure you are never a burden on others.
All of this… Is Forgiveness.
These are The 12 Ethics.
Together, they give us The Cardinal Values.
Together, they give us Love.
So why are you a Lightworker?
What do you Love?
Who do you Love?
Why do you do what you do?
For what Love?
For me? It’s for him.
He loved me so much it healed me. I loved him so much, I’m healing the world to heal him.
Please, take this Love, and heal those who you love.
This love that he used to heal me is POWERFUL.
This… This is Love in its purist form.
That’s how we know it’s real.
And this time… Let’s get the Message right.
The important thing is this: To be able, at any moment, to sacrifice what we are for what we could become. – Charles Dubois.
If you’re ready to sacrifice what you are for what you could become then Register for our Free Masterclass “How To Be A Human” and learn how to Abuse Proof You… and spread the Love.