Course Content
Societal Lies You Need To Know To Change
This Mindset is designed, Strategically to preserve the Self, Self-Authority, Self-Preservation, Autonomy, and Self-Love. But adopting these Concepts for your Selves, you already go a long way in Nurturing a Healthier, Higher Quality and Mindset of Living
The Asha Journey Course
About Lesson

I’m going to say, 100% of everyone who is a Lightworker is a 6th+ Ethical Perspective. And then I’m going to say, the problems every Activist and Lightworker wants to resolve is a Symptom of Mental Illness that is caused by the Disruption of our Progression through the 12 Ethics.

So when I say it is in a Lightworker’s best Interest to raise awareness, take Educational Approaches on the 12 Ethics, it is because when we resolve the problem with these 12 Ethics, we resolve ALL Humanitarian Problems in one single shot.

Most people have heard of “Psychological Profiling.” But what a lot of people don’t know is that Certain things (All Things, actually), such as the 12 Ethics, or a Society like The Roman Empire, also has Psychological Profiling. Exactly like a “Thumbprint” that appears through all of history.

So when you can see this “thumbprint,” you can see exactly where something like the 12 Ethics have been, or where the Roman Empire has been.

And this… This is when all of Western History gets REALLY interesting and VERY different than anything we were taught. In fact, the Truth reveals itself quite LOUDLY.

Because when you look at the ABSENCE of the 12 Ethics, a third “thumbprint” appears. And these Three Thumbprints — The 12 Ethics, The Roman Empire, The ABSENCE of the 12 Ethics — are REALLY IMPORTANT to Lightworkers because they are the problem, they are the cause, they are the solution, they are the cure to everything Lightworkers do and want to achieve.

The three Thumbprints are:

  1. The 12 Ethics

  2. The Roman Empire

  3. Fear

But they have another name. Three very FAMILIAR Names.

  1. The 12 Ethics = Love

  2. The Roman Empire = Narcissism

  3. Fear = Not Love

When you can read these three Thumbprints, History tells a VERY different story, which no one can see without the knowledge of Psychologically Profiling Sociological Systems. But it reveals what really happened, what is happening, and how we came to be in this mess.

Here is the full history (Graphic Story Mode). I strongly recommend you take the time to read it to fully understand what happened and, more importantly precisely what these 12 Ethics are. Here are the Dates and cited Sources that prove the Story I just gave you.

I will summarize here:

The 12 Ethics WERE King Solomon’s Wisdom, which, when integrated are the Force “Love” itself.

Love is a Dichotomy, which is Logic for When you have “A,” Nature naturally gives you less of “Not A.” In Dichotomy, there is a Ratio between “A” and “Not A,” and the more you have of “A,” then less you have of “Not A.”

Love is a Dichotomy of Fear. The less Love you have, the more Fear you have. Thus, the more Love you have, the Less Fear you have. Fear comes from An Absence of Love… Or… more precisely… Not having The 12 Ethics.

You probably are familiar with its more common Title: “The Dichotomy of Good and Evil.” This is “The 12 Ethics” vs. “Not the 12 Ethics.”

The 12 Ethics were so famous during the Roman Empire and so powerful, that the Roman Empire declared War on Education and took them. By the 4th Century, they succeed in removing the 12 Ethic from all of Society by destroying ALL Educational Systems (Well Documented and Known Fact to Romanologists), which caused the Dark Ages.

Removing the 12 Ethics from Society CAUSED the Dark Ages. That is how POWERFUL these things are. They are Pure LOVE.

It is a lie that we recovered from the Dark Ages. In fact, let me show you this… (See Graph)

This graph is the Discovery of Academic Disciplines since the Dawn of Man, in the order in which we discovered them.

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This Graph of Human Evolution, matches…

  1. The 12 Ethics

  2. Human Behavior Growth and Development

  3. Plato’s Curriculum

That gives us 4 Data Points, which is Math Language for “HOLY SHIT! WE HAVE A PATTERN! THERE IS SOMETHING HERE!”

Please note, since the Dark Ages, we have not had any new Academic Discoveries… Until My Revival of the 12 Ethics.

The Green blocks shows how we SHOULD have discovered these Subjects and you can see how far behind we still are. This is because we STOPPED Evolving. This Article from proves this and finally “catches on” to this fact.

Science just found the Symptoms of the Lost 12 Ethics.

In Science, there is ONE Invisible Catalyst (Always Invisible). And there are Symptoms (Consequences) that follow.

One Stone. Thousands of Ripples.

Butterfly Effect.

The Loss of The 12 Ethics is The Stone.

The Ripples of That One Event are:

  • Poor Education +> Fear +>

  • Abuse (Animal Abuse + Domestic Violence + Child Abuse) +>

  • Overpopulation +> Global Warming

  • A Filthy Planet with Garbage All Over

  • Limited Resources +> Starvation +> Hunger +> Homelessness

  • War +> Disabled Veterans

  • Violence +> Rape +> Murder +> Pedophilia +> Prisons and Correctional Facilities

  • Corruption +> Criminalized Homelessness

  • Suicide +> Runaways +> Trafficking

  • Unstable Economy +> A Valueless Dollar +> Increasing Living Expenses

  • <+ Mental Illness

It’s a lot to take in. I know.

Is your Cause in that List? Your Mission listed above? Mine all are, how about yours? (Please let me know if I missed one).

Why does this matter to Lightworkers?

Because if you want to save the world, then you need to help me put these 12 Ethics BACK. And everything else FIXES itself.

So when I say to you, “You don’t want to stop Animal Abuse. You DO want the 12 Ethics back. You don’t want to “Save the Planet.” You DO want the 12 Ethics back. You don’t want to help end Prison Violence. YOU DO WANT THE 12 ETHICS BACK…

Think back to “Jack’s Compass” from the 2nd Pirate’s of the Caribbean Movie when Jack says, “You want to find the Key to the chest of Davy Jones.

And Elizabeth says, “To save Will.”

“By finding the Key to the chest of Davy Jones.”

Well… We need to “find the key to the Chest of Davy Jones,” which is code for:

“We need to put the 12 Ethics back.”


“By putting the 12 Ethics back.”

Because if you want to save the world, then you need to help me put these 12 Ethics BACK. And everything else FIXES itself.

This is because when you put the 12 Ethics Back, you RESTORE a person’s Natural Evolutional growth BACK into their Subconscious Mind. It CURES their Mental Illnesses… and they GROW TO become a 6th+ Perspective WITH YOU… and then they JOIN us… and this SPREADS.

Putting the 12 Ethics back, CONVERTS WITHOUT APPROPRIATION, a Person’s Desire to Nurture others and this Planet back to health.

But we ALL have to FOCUS OUR VISIONS on the SAME GOAL, to get THE SAME MESSAGE ACROSS. To end whichever Causes we care about most and all the other ones… BUT WE HAVE TO UNITE WITH THE SAME MISSION. THE SAME VOICE.

An Exercise

Let’s do this exercise.

Imagine an Open Market where we all are selling our own Merchandise at our own Shop Stall. We’re all Barkers calling out,

“Support Ending Animal Abuse!”

“Support Ending Child Abuse!”

“Support Stop Trafficking!”

“Support Save the Whales!”

“Support disabled Veterans!”


Now. What if I step in and put you ALL under ONE MESSAGE. Patrons walk into Open Market and they see:


“Adopt The 12 Ethics.”

“Adopt The 12 Ethics.”

“Adopt The 12 Ethics.”

“Adopt The 12 Ethics.”

“Adopt The 12 Ethics.”

Which Message do you think will have greater success?

Thing is, I’ve already done this kind of marketing. I have 5 year’s Experience in THIS Unified Marketing strategy. It’s the same one Ghandi used. And Martin Luther King, Jr.

I would say it’s highly effective, wouldn’t you?

I have a plan.

I have a strategy.

I have people IN HIGH PLACES.

I just need people ALL OVER, In low and High places, to UNITE.

How Do The 12 Ethics “Cure” A Person?

The 12 Ethics ARE our Biological Progression. They are Natural Evolution. At 2 years, The MOMENT a child starts to say, “No,” Parents usually STOP the Progression.

At 5 Years old, when a Child says, “I want to be X when I grow up,” Parents usually STOP the Progression.

At 8 to 12 Years old, when a Child CHANGES their Opinions on The World, Teachers and Society STOPS the Progression.

At 15 Years old, a Teenager’s Self-Preservation System kicks in to try and Revive the Biological Progression.

Parents gaslight the Self-Preservation System with labels like “Rebellious Teen.”

By 20 Years old, only 2% of the Population have managed to hang onto their Biological Progression (Proven by Neuroscience).

Symptoms of this Disrupted Biological Progression appear as early as 5 years old, which Psychologists gaslight with labels like, “ADHD, PTSD, Mental Illness, Diagnoses, and Autism.”

At 40 years old, the Self-Preservation System can no longer be suppressed, and it attempts revive the Biological Progression.

Peers, Family Members, and Spouses gaslight the Self-Preservation System with labels like “Mid-Life Crisis.”

If the Individual succeeds, the 12 Ethics Biological Progression is restored. If the Individual does not succeed, the 12 Ethics Biological Progression is, once again, Suppressed.

Another “Midlife Crisis” may occur at 60.

This is all because we Lost the Knowledge of The 12 Ethics.

I found them because I have been a Student under The Ancient Greek Educational System since 1992. And my Knowledge is DIFFERENT than everyone else’s. Educational Systems LITERALLY SCULPT a Mind.

The Ancient Greek Educational System NURTURED Minds into their NATURAL POTENTIAL.

Logical Deduction? We need to CHANGE the Educational System BACK to The Ancient Greek Educational System. But that is Long Term. But… with Homeschooling, that opens a door.

AND… I attended The Ancient Greek Educational System while attending the US Government Educational System. It is quite easy to “Upgrade” what we have with a simple Societal Plugin, which I’ve already built and is up and operational as we speak.

For You

So… The Plan. For you. Process this. It’s a lot.

The 12 Ethics SUPERCHARGE your Mission, your Goals, your Vision. But if you want to make people CARE, they have to know WHY it affects THEM. Your Mission matters to a VERY SMALL percentage of 6th Ethical Perspectives.

But the 12 Ethics matters to EVERYONE.

And it is what they need TO get to the 6th Ethical Perspective.

Next Newsletter Lesson, we talk about HOW the 12 Ethics progress a Person from Where they are to the 6th Ethical Perspective where they start to Prioritize EVERYTHING.

If you can’t wait, and you want to know more now, Check out my Free Courses online. LEARN as much as you can about the 12 Ethics. They are The Lightworker Warrior’s Armament in this Ethical War.

The important thing is this: To be able, at any moment, to sacrifice what we are for what we could become. – Charles Dubois.

Business is the True Power and Influence in this World. How you use your Lightworker training is your business. My business is Ethically getting you there. I turn Mermaids into CEO’s and CEO’s into Mermaids. If you’re ready to sacrifice what you are for what you could become then Get Your Prosperity Blossoming Journey Plan!