Course Content
Societal Lies You Need To Know To Change
This Mindset is designed, Strategically to preserve the Self, Self-Authority, Self-Preservation, Autonomy, and Self-Love. But adopting these Concepts for your Selves, you already go a long way in Nurturing a Healthier, Higher Quality and Mindset of Living
The Asha Journey Course
About Lesson

The 12 Ethics!

Getting yourself and others to the 6th Ethic is the Mission. Yes, Mother Nature does this Naturally, but when Interference obstructs the Biological Progression, it takes one of two things to get the Progression back on track:

1 – Time, like a Pressure Cooker, pushes the Individual to reach “The Breaking Point” where they say, “I can’t take it anymore!” … which can take up to 55 years to occur.

2 – Education and Awareness.

There are going to be a LOT of people who WANT their Biological Progression Restored. They can feel it. They’re STARVED for it. They crave it. And when they come to learn of this, their Subconscious Minds will, like a man lost to the desert, come to the oasis to drink long and deep the Nourishing Waters of Relief.

That is exactly what this feels like when you take up the Biological Progression. Like you are back on track, heading for Home. FAST.

The Tipping Point

There is a single point within the First 6 Ethics that presents… an obstacle. The Tipping Point.

Left to Nature, our Biological Progression naturally builds Momentum and propels us forward in life toward our Dreams and Goals. We’re at the 6th Perspective in no time and on!

With the Obstruction, Momentum is lost… like a car battery that won’t turn on the ignition. We require a “Jump Start.” That is where Lightworkers comes in.

People fall into 4 types of Groups:

  1. Foundationals

  2. Cultivators

  3. Visionaries

  4. Pioneers


Foundationals are the Foundation of our Culture and Society. We need them! We need all of the Groups. These are the “Nursery” of our Society. Perspectives 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th. Perspectives.

These are the People who have an Ethical IQ of 1, 2, 3, and 4. They are our Teachers, Workers, Blue Collar Workers. The majority of our Population.


Cultivators are the Healers, Coaches, Leaders, Business Owners, and Parents. These are the people who Nourish others to help them grow. They focus on Social Services and Cultivation of Humanity and People. These are Ethical Perspectives 5 & 6.

Hello, Lightworkers. This is your Group.


Visionaries are your Idea Generators of the World. They have Blue Prints for Concepts, the Abstract and Ideas. They take action and get it done. These are your 6+ Ethical Perspectives and Higher. Artists are here.


These are the Visionaries who also stand on the Boundary of “The Known Reality” and they pursue Mother Nature’s Truth to define more of Mother Nature to expand our Known Reality. Scientists and Inventors, Explorers are here.

A person can be all of these things, some of these things, or one of these things. I myself am a Cultivator, Visionary, and Pioneer. A Person can be all four of these things. A Group falls into only one based on their Ethical Progression.

Now… Regarding that “Obstacle” and “The Tipping Point?” That falls between the Foundationals and the Cultivators.

The 5th Ethical Perspective.


Everyone who has been derailed from the Biological Progression loses the Momentum for Growth. They do not Learn. They are complacent.

According to Dr Graves, when he introduced Spiral Dynamics, he proposed that “1, 2, 3, and 4th’s hate everyone above them… while 5 and 6 admire everyone above them.”

My research absolutely confirmed. YEP! This is true!

People (Whose Biological Progression was disrupted) who are Foundational, resent everyone above them. They resist Growth. They do not value Education or Learning.

The 6th Ethics value Growth and Learning. They devour it. They can’t get enough.

5th Ethical Perspectives are split down the middle. In my research, Well… This is Generation X (of which I am). We’re split down the middle.

5th’s (And Gen X) will side with the 4ths (Mostly Boomers), or they will side with the 6ths (Hippies).

I was a Hippie 5th when I was a 5th Perspective.

If Hippie 5th’s Grow. Boomer 5ths, don’t.

And right there. That is “The Tipping Point.”

My Radical Global Healing Plan addresses and Corrects “The Tipping Point,” which we are in Stage #2 of.

Oh… And one more thing… At the 7th Ethical Perspective 3 things happen:

  1. Growth kicks in hard and you GROW

  2. All Hierarchy comes down

  3. Violence ENDS

This is happening with or without us. Our Education and Strategic Deliberation makes it go faster. World Peace WILL happen. Evolution and Legend says so. PHYSICS says so.

Here is how this works.

The Radical Global Healing Plan

Ethical Perspective Characteristics! Each one of these Perspectives has their own:

  1. Ethical Priorities

  2. Motivations

  3. Values

  4. Authority

  5. Weakness

  6. Strength

  7. Trial

I break this down in my Free Online Course.

But I want to focus on “Authority.” Because this… Is the problem.

  1. 1st Ethical Perspective = Mother (Caregiver)

  2. 2nd Ethical Perspective = Leader (Head of the Household, God, Mob Boss, Cult Leader, Chief)

  3. 3rd Ethical Perspective = The Self

  4. 4th Ethical Perspective = Ethical Law and The Self

  5. 5th Ethical Perspective = Ethical Law and The Self

  6. 6th Ethical Perspective = Ethical Law and The Self and Mother Nature

This (above) is what a Healthy Person looks like in their Development. The problem is at that 3rd Ethic, when Mum and Dad violate our Boundaries when we tell them, “No,” and we’re punished for it.

This (below) is what a Person looks like with Obstructed Biological Progression:

  1. 1st Ethical Perspective = Mother (Caregiver) with Addiction, Depression, Poverty

  2. 2nd Ethical Perspective = Over prioritizes Leaders With Submission, Enslavement, and Strict Obedience

  3. 3rd Ethical Perspective = The Self and Distrust and Violence and/or Emotionally Unavailable

  4. 4th Ethical Perspective = Government Law and Distrust

  5. 5th Ethical Perspective = The Self and Distrust

  6. 6th Ethical Perspective = Ethical Law and Mother Nature

Our Self-Authority is taken by Supplanted “Authority” and overrides the Natural Development of Self-Authority to secure “Control” by Leaders who don’t know how to lead.

This is how Authority destroys Self-Authority.

This is why Ethical Leadership is so Vital to our Human Development.

This is why Authority needs to be exchanged for “Expert” and “Ethical Leaders.”

This is why we must restore Self-Authority back to everyone. (We have a plan for this too).

This is why every “Authority” figure must stand down and Relinquish Control.

Our mission as Lightworkers is to fix this. We fix this, we fix everything. Motivation is the Key.


This is what the Motivation is for each of these Perspectives:

  1. 1st Ethical Perspective = Always follows the 2nd “I don’t know.”

  2. 2nd Ethical Perspective = Always follows the 4th “I need to ask my husband about this.”

  3. 3rd Ethical Perspective = Always follows the Reward “Why should I? What’s in it for me?”

  4. 4th Ethical Perspective = Always follows the Laws “I have to see what my boss says.”

  5. 5th Ethical Perspective = Always follows the Proof “Where’s your Proof!?”

  6. 6th Ethical Perspective = Always follows The Energy

Sales people! Look familiar? 🤣🤣

Here is the plan.

Focus on the 6th Ethical Perspectives. That’s you guys! 🔥 You’re here because it FEELS RIGHT. It feels GOOD. And it gives you joy.

We collaborate. Bring is as MANY of us as we can. Make them ALL aware of this. Unite. Become so large in one Voice, they will listen.

And we set the Example. We show them a DIFFERENT REALITY. We show them through Living Example what they all could be if…

We have the Logic, the Math, the Physics to PROVE this now. I have 2 years of hardcore science on my YouTube Channel and my website to back it all up. We have Abstracts. And my work matches Cell Mitosis and Plant Propagation, which gives us 4 Data Points… Which is Math Talk for “We have Pattern”). What we have is The Creation Formula, which proves that Creation IS Evolution.

So when the 5th Ethics say, “Prove it,”


We prove it.

And we set the Example. We show them a DIFFERENT REALITY. We show them through Living Example what they all could be if…

We use our Resources to Prove through Example and Science that there is a better way and when we Prosper and Flourish with great Abundance, they will want it (WIFM).

5th’s will adopt it fast into their Businesses and Corporations, which will trickle down to the Foundationals.

I have built Mother Nature’s Business Model and imbedded the Cure to Mental Illness and the 12 Ethics right into it which will cure the Business Owner, the Staff, Employees, and the Patrons all who interact with any Business integrated with our Business Model.

And this will spread.

Laws will change.

And that will cause the 4th Perspectives to change.

Which will cause the 2nd Perspectives to change.

Which will cause the 1st Perspectives to change.

And the 3rds, will be outnumbered, causing them to divide into 3 Categories:

  1. “This will be better for me.” And they will change.

  2. “Everyone else is doing it.” And they will change.

  3. “I am a flat Earth-ist and I’m not budging! And you can’t make me!” And they will go into hiding and hermitage.

Watch this video.


Education is KEY in all of this. Whatever you do, whoever you bring in to your Network and draw into your Mission, get them into the 12 Ethics and educate them. Collaborate. We speak the same Message. We set the example.

We send out a wave of Positive, Nourishing, Beautiful LOVE, to Nourish and REVIVE this planet on such a level that we use Physics to move the EMF to shift the Energy with such a FORCE that they will FEEL it. They will Awaken. And they will know.

But we MUST Connect and MOVE together.

I know how to draw Energy right out of the Mother Nature and move it into others. I have Transformers, people who are connected right to me. I use Love to fuel them and Energize them, which they pass on to others and it is spreading.


Every time I shift with Deliberation, a Seismic Wave on the planet follows. Yesterday morning, I shifted.

I’m doing it again today. And every day all month. Right up until 1 August 2024.

I know how to Move Energy with Physics. And I’m sending out a Pulse of Constant Love Force constantly, Syphoning it into this World to Heal it. I need your help to Connect and Synchronize with me.

If you have a Network, if you have a Business, Connect. Plug Into PANDO. We’re Healing right now. We’ve already started.

I am at the Center of a Top Tier group of Innovators and Visionaries all of whom are located around the Globe. We have Collaborated and are pooling our resources. We are HEALING this PLANET right now.

It’s Called Operation : Imagination.

You are a Business Owner.

You are a Dreamer.

I don’t have to tell you that if you don’t IMAGINE it, then you can’t DO it.

There are people who can’t Imagine.

So we show them.

We SHOW them so they CAN See IT.

So they CAN SEE… IT.

And then they too will Imagine it.

Mimic-Mirror-Repetition Response.

It’s how The Subconscious Mind learns.


We all need to exercise Patience, Gentle Mercy, and Compassion.

The world has not seen these things in a long time.

We all need to exercise Love and NO JUDGEMENT.

We all need to exercise Forgiveness and Nurturing of others.

We MUST induce CALM, Respite, Reassurance.

A lot of people are SCARED.

We must SOOTHE them like Mothers comforting a frightened child.

Practice the 12 Ethics.

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LET YOUR PEOPLE, EVERYONE KNOW, that we are working on this solution and it is going to be okay.

A lot of people are scared. LET THEM KNOW A SOLUTION IS COMING.

Spread the word, and it calms the fear, it restores their hope.

TELL THEM Help is on the way.

If you want to get involved, DM me. I can put you to work if you need Direction.

The important thing is this: To be able, at any moment, to sacrifice what we are for what we could become. – Charles Dubois.

If you’re ready to sacrifice what you are for what you could become then Register for our Free Masterclass “How To Be A Human” and learn how to Abuse Proof You… and spread the Love.

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