First of all, I want to thank you so much for Subscribing to my Newsletter. I was not expecting to see this much response is such a short period of time, which tells me, This subject is wanted and very much needed.
Thank you. It is an honor to be at your advantage. I warmly receive you into my World.
What I love most about writing is the “Confession” of it all.
I was made to feel ashamed for Love. This is a Trauma like no other that I can’t begin to express.
When I love, it’s for life. I can’t unlove those I love once.
And I have been humiliated and mocked for love.
There was a part of my mind that locked that down deep. And the Conscious Part and External Subconscious Mind (Your Subconscious Mind has an Inner and an External side) re-wrote my story to keep that Pain down deep.
I was made to feel ashamed for Love.
It was brutal mockery. Easily, the only time in my life I ever felt Embarrassment or Humiliation. I was so humiliated for Love, that the emotions “Embarrassment” and “Humiliation” were wiped from my ability to even feel.
After some Logical Digging through my code this morning, I located the Core Code and corrected the Logical Fallacy.
It instantly released a Mental Block, and waves upon waves of Love and Memory surfaced. The oldest part of my Heart restored to me.
My God, do I love Logic and Math.
This Lightworker uses Words to gently shift the RAS (Reticular Articulation System) into the correct Scope Location for Optimum Mental Visibility. I rewrite Logical Code embedded in the Subconscious Mind that causes… Everything.
Soothe the Subconscious Mind.
Calibrate against Love and Ethics.
Trace the Logical Code.
Soothe the Subconscious Mind.
Calibrate against Love and Ethics.
Trace the Logical Code.
It’s a process.
Our Society mocks Love.
I grew up on Disney. I love Disney.
Disney is the reason why I am such a Bad Ass. I learned how to stand up to others with Jasmine’s “I am not a prize to be won!”
I learned how to advocate for myself with Ariel’s “I’m 16 years old! I’m not a child!”
I learned Courage from Belle who stood face-to-face with a Beast and say, “I accept.”
I learned how to be True to myself from Merida.
I learned how to do what is right, no matter what, from Mulan.
I learned that it is okay to want adventure in the great wide somewhere. I learned that it’s okay to want it more than I could stand. I learned that it’s okay to want so much more than they’ve got planned.
So yeah. Disney shaped and built this bitch.
Disney Princesses rock.
This World hates on Love.
And I’m sick of it.
Love is what will fix this world.
Love like this World has not seen since Woodstock.
Love… Love changes everything… how we live and how we die.
Love makes fools of everyone. All the rules we make are broken.
I love love.
I am completely, deeply, and hopelessly in love with Love.
I always have been.
And you know… We say “True Love,” because The other “love” is not love at all, but rather Possession in Disguise of Love.
Did you know?
And that is the Enemy.
That is what we are really fighting against.
Possession, which is the 4th Stage of Consumption.
Worry & Fear
(This is commonly known as Narcissism. It’s a Progressive Social Disease that Devours all.)
And in truth, Narcissism or “Consumption” is just “Not Love.”
So we say “True” Love because “Not Love” takes, keeps, possesses, and consumes… Like a Parasite.
But Love… True Love, Nourishes, Empowers, Grows, Encourages, and Elevates.
True Love Cures, it Heals, it Creates.
This is Love.
A Lightworker’s primary job is to teach others Love through Example. It’s gently correcting the Words that people have wrong that mislead them.
It’s taking the Vow to Do No Harm, and taking action to train yourself and Learn about the Subconscious Mind so that you do not harm the Subconscious Mind when working with it.
It’s Preserving and protecting others while you work with them in addition to nurturing them.
It’s gifting Hope to the World by speaking out and letting them know, “We are here. We see you. We are coming.” Because too many people don’t know that we are here. And the despair, it devours.
This is what it means to be a Lightworker.
Get yourself out there. I’m offering Free Workshops on this that I invite you to join. Take advantage of the resources available. I think that is something I’ll definitely dive into. Providing instruction on how to make it known.
I’m building the Marketing to share with anyone who wants it. A Mark that you can use on your websites and anywhere you want to show the world, “We are Fighting for you. Do not despair. The Lightworkers are here. We are taking action NOW. Change is on the way for you.”
This is what it is to be a Lightworker.
To give hope to the People when they need it most.
But it requires a knowledge of the Subconscious Mind that every single one of us needs (I have this in The User Manual For The Subconscious Mind and the Cognitive Core).
A few more of these letters and my Love will be free.
I was united with my Power Animal last Sunday. It has made all the difference in the World.
Love. Logic. Truth. Freedom. Ethics.
We all have Three Life Streams:
The Self (The Journey)
Business and Our Purpose
I have completed the first two streams.
I am beginning the Third Stream. And I already have the Formula. I will be documenting this Journey as I do all of my research.
We are going to be talking a lot about Love, Ethics, and Purpose.
I warmly welcome you into my world.
The important thing is this: To be able, at any moment, to sacrifice what we are for what we could become. – Charles Dubois.
If you’re ready to sacrifice what you are for what you could become then Register for our Free Masterclass “How To Be A Human” and learn how to Abuse Proof You… and spread the Love.