Course Content
Societal Lies You Need To Know To Change
This Mindset is designed, Strategically to preserve the Self, Self-Authority, Self-Preservation, Autonomy, and Self-Love. But adopting these Concepts for your Selves, you already go a long way in Nurturing a Healthier, Higher Quality and Mindset of Living
The Asha Journey Course
About Lesson

This has been something sitting inside of me for too long.

I can’t sit still. I can’t stand by and do nothing. And you’re here because you can’t either. I am sick of talk.

I spent the last 2 years attending 20 Think Tanks. I walked away with 2 Realizations:

  1. No one has any idea how to “fix this” or lead a plan like this.
  2. A lot of people have the passion, but no plan.

Fortunately, I have a Plan, I have Experience leading people like this on Missions exactly like this. And I know how to fix it. So here we are.

Over the years, I found people with their own Calling who collaborated with me.

I found people who have their own Hammers walking around Breaking Delusions.

They too have joined me.

While the Parrots talk, others do. This is the place where we DO.

I can’t stand Talk without Action. And neither can you. That’s why you’re here.

My Business model is very different from all others. I don’t do “Funnels.” I do Tiered Filters where I Nourish you at each stage for you to Grow on to the next stage where we prepare you for the next stage.

I do not “Coach.” I Nourish and Empower.

The name of my game is Breaking the Stigmas and Class Systems, which I have done many times. I know how its done and I nourish you to get it done.

My Lightworkers are not like anyone else. My calling is to train Passionate “Take Action” Lightworker Warriors in the 12 Ethics and then to turn them over to Mother Nature. My job is to nurture whatever Mission and Calling you have inside of you, to help you find You and Align with your Direction… and then we hook you up to PANDO (Our Done-For-You Network) to Fuel your Mission.

This is Lightworker Boot Camp.

I don’t Coach. I Nourish.

The Language here is Different. And here you will be learning about the Language so you know what words to change in your Mouth and Mind so you can start Nourishing your Mindset into the Discipline it takes to get you to your Dream.

My Standards are High. My Quality is unmatched. Nutritional Knowledge designed to Empower you through Self-Authority and Independence is my game. If you think I’m “Intense” then I am not for you.

What I am is a Cultivator. And if you want to be A Lightworker Warrior, that is what you have set out to become.

Think of it this way… Referencing The Lord of The Rings…

There are Goblins. And there are Orcs. And there are Uruk Hai. Every other Lightworker is a Goblin or an Orc.

I train the Leaders of the Uruk Hai and it starts with your Language.

When I am done with you, you won’t need Chakra Stones. You will BE a Chakra Stone. And that is the difference.

Most people who message or come to me tell me that Mother Nature sent them. I get it. If this is you. You are one in Hundreds of Thousands. 144,000 to be exact.

We have a war to fight. We are out of time. If you are here. You know that. My Agenda is to train you up to get us ahead of the War and stop it if we can.

I will make this clear.

  • Ghandi. Mother Theresa. Booker T. Washington. These are my Inspirations.
  • This is a Pacifist’s War.
  • This is an Ethical War.
  • We set an Example of Gentle Mercy.
  • We only exercise Ethical Leadership with Nourishment, Elevation, and Empowerment.
  • We Honor the 12 Ethics.
  • We stand on Equal Footing.
  • We Honor The 6th Ethic by rejecting “Hierarchy” or “Authority.”
  • I am a Knight of the Ethical Law and Natural Order that is Mother Nature.
  • You are here because you are wanting to become this too.
  • We Extend our Self-Preservation around others to include them in our own Self-Preservation.
  • We do no Harm.
  • We Honor the Underdog. Truth. Logic. Love. Freedom. And Ethics.

Those who graduate from my Course are Knighted.

They receive a Seat at the Round Table.

They receive Exclusive Invitation to The Annual Lightworker’s Alumni Reunion in New York City.

Our Mission is to Integrate the World. We use Science. We use Logic, Math, Physics, and Biology, we use Mother Nature’s Language because we are NOT here to win over those who are already won over by us.

We are here to train how to welcome the CEO’s, The Skeptics, the Foundationals, and all others who WANT to cross over, but who don’t relate or understand us. Which means, we need to learn how to COMMUNICATE with them.

Universal Language is the mission to Integrate and not to exclude.

This is not our own “private club.” We have a job to do. And we are here to get it done. Our Mission is to Show the Doubting Thomas’ of the World what this really is. Science and Physics and Nature.

If this Mission does not align with you, then this is not the space for you. The world has MILLIONS of Happy Hippie Pods for Spiritual Practitioners. (I am a PASSIONATE Happy Hippie Myself)… But that is not the space for this Mission.

The world does NOT NEED one more Happy Hippie Pod. It DOES need a Group of People who EVERYONE can relate to. THE MISSION IS TO BRIDGE THE GAP BETWEEN WORLDS.

Here, we train people who align with that Mission.

Those who desire Peace must learn how to organize better than those who Desire War.

If you want to know who I am, then go here.

If you want to know what I can do then go here.

I you want to take your training to the next level because you were ready yesterday, then go here.

Google my Pen Name “Angela B. Chrysler” and my first Business “Brain to Books.” That is who I am.

If you want to be here, but it is too intense, then get yourself to Triadic Healing Part #1. There, we train you for Triadic Healing Part #2 and Part #3 : The Lightworker’s Edition.

I will make this clear to you. You do not help others until you help yourself. Put your own gas mask on first.

You grow at your own pace. You grow at your own speed. And you decide when it is time for you to grow on to the next level.

My only job is to get you Mother Nature ready with her 12 Ethics. These are what the 12 Ethics are.

The important thing is this: To be able, at any moment, to sacrifice what we are for what we could become. – Charles Dubois.

Business is the True Power and Influence in this World. How you use your Lightworker training is your business. My business is Ethically getting you there. I turn Mermaids into CEO’s and CEO’s into Mermaids. If you’re ready to sacrifice what you are for what you could become then Get Your Prosperity Blossoming Journey Plan!


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