Story Book Science with The Ethical Asshole : Our Classroom Live On YouTube
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What is your Ethical IQ?

What are Ethics? Where do they come from?

Turns out they are much more important and embedded into the Human Psyche than we ever imagined and they are the Core building block of YOU.

Which Perspective are you in? Which Ethical Perspectives are you missing? Which ones do you need to be working on to round out and stabilize your Mental Health? And why you REALLY need to care.

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How is this related to Mental Health? To protect you from Psychological Abuse. 100% of my work is always backed by Pythagorean Psychology so you know how to Abuse Proof You. The Healing Garden values your Mental Health and the Preservation of your Subconscious Mind. Education cures Mental Illness. Education is the Catalyst of Awareness. #mentalhealthawareness #takingaction


Ethics come to us through the learning of Life Trials. According to Dr. Graves, they cannot be learned out of order. I strongly disagree as I have seen many people with the 6th Ethical Perspectives who lack the 1st and 2nd Ethic.

What he should have said was that one should not learn them out of order. To do so can cause substantial Mental Health Illnesses. In fact, 100% of all Mental Illnesses come from the absence of the first 3 Ethics. 100% of all Abuse is the Violation of the 2nd, 4th, 6th, and 9th Ethic.

An Ethical Perspective defines the entirety of “All things that are accessible to one’s Visibility within their current Perspective.”

The more Ethical Perspectives one passes through, the more Ethical they become and the more Visibility they obtain. This is often called “Wisdom” in our Culture.

What I am referring to are The 12 Ethical Perspective Stages of Human Growth and Evolution. The Ethical Perspective branch of Ontology that is buried deep in Metaphysics and Philosophy. Dr. Grave’s work in Spiral Dynamics barely begins to scratch the surface of The 12 Ethical Perspective Stages.

During my Healing Journey, I noticed these Stages. I originally catalogued my Healing into 7 Groupings:

  • The Knowing

  • The Belonging

  • The Authority

  • The Naming

  • The Acceptance

  • The Integration

  • The Claiming

When I dove deep into the 12 Ethics, I noticed how much the 12 Ethics aligned with my Groupings and also, how much each and every one of us is following this same Life Path, all of us at different Stages.

Each Ethic is a “Level of Consciousness,” that very much acts like a “Block of Time.” At the 7th Perspective, time as it is used, known, and defined in the Material Plane, becomes obsolete and 100% of people then become “Time Blind.”

The reason for this is due to the Shifting of The Self as the Center of One’s Own Universe. Time does not, cannot exist at the Point of True Center.

It is a place outside of Time.

Passing through the Perspective Stages is, very much, passing through Frequencies exactly like a dial changing the radio station.

We all learn, “In our Own Time.”

And this brings me to Humbleness and Accountability. The two most talked about Ethical Skills that too many people put too much emphasis on.

Accountability is learned only in the 5th Ethical Perspective. There is no other way. This cannot be rushed, taught, forced, or mandated. The Individual must complete the Challenge.

Humbleness is learned after the 12th Ethic.

A teacher who knows the challenges can guide the Student, but the Student must complete a series of prerequisites first prior to “Shifting” to the next Perspective. Only Mother Nature decides when it is time To Shift and only when the Prerequisites are met.

The Prerequisites are the same for each and every Perspective:

Indulge on A and Avoid B +> Indulge on B and Avoid A +> Integrate A and B while Indulge on C and Avoid D… etc. (You can view the entire Formula of Evolution in my Abstract here).

100% of the Process was documented live on YouTube here over the course of 1 year (and much more besides).

This process of undergoing the 12 Ethics IS the Learning Journey and the Learning Process (Every Individual must pass through the 12 Ethics 3 times. This is the infamous “Pilgrimage”). For perspective, The Buddha only made it to the 7th Ethic.

Humbled Submission does not come to the Self until completion of the 12 Ethic in the 1st Round of Completion. It is not possible, and it is highly dangerous to do so any sooner.

The reason why is because Humbled Submission requires the Deepest Love of the Self in order to endure such a “Lowering” of the Self.

Without that Self-Love, Humbled Submission becomes Self-Loathing and Mental Flagellation, which leads too often to suicide.

Of all the Ethics, Humbleness is revered the most and sought after the most, but the point is missed.

Humbleness is the reward of Self-Love. It is Mother Nature’s Fruit. To pursue the Fruit without loving the Tree or the Garden is, in itself Unethical… and you have missed the point entirely.

Humbleness without the first three Ethics, kills people. What we really need is the 5th Ethic, Accountability. But one cannot learn that Ethic until they master Self-Control and Self-Law, Discernment and Personal Boundary. Which cannot be learned until the Self passes the Self-Regulation Trial.

Which cannot be learned until the Self passes the Self-Authority Trial.

Which cannot be learned until the Self passes the Self-Safety and Courage Trial, which is where everything begins.

People who have not learned the 1st Ethical Challenge (Courage), live lives unlived without Dreams or Passion. They often struggle with a lack of Motivation and, in many cases, Addiction. (Failure To Launch)

People who have not learned the 2nd Ethical Challenge (Self-Authority), live dependent on their Obedience to Religion, Husbands, Tribal Leaders, Traditions, and Cultures (Fiddler On The Roof).

Actually, Fiddler on The Roof does a GREAT job showing the 2nd Ethical Perspective looking on, bewildered and confused, as his Children grow on to the 5th Ethical Perspective (Tzeitel and Chava) and the 6th Ethical Perspective (Hodel).

People who have not learned the 3rd Ethical Challenge (Self-Regulation), live in a Dog-Eat-Dog world where they live not trusting any one or any thing (The Wolf Of Wall Street).

People who have not learned the 4th Ethical Challenge (Self-Government), live in a world that prioritizes Law (no matter how unethical) above the Mental and Medical Health and Prosperity of People. Even above what is Good or Bad or Right (The Jim Crow Laws, for example).

People who have not learned the 5th Ethical Challenge (Accountability), live in a world where they make choices that propel their lives forward without any Conscious Awareness of the millions of ripples their choices have on others (The Unethical Business Owner).

People who have not learned the 6th Ethical Challenge (Equal Footing), live in a world where they forever elevate others too often at the expense of the Self.

People at the 7th Ethical Challenge can see The Matrix, The Delusion of Hierarchical Beliefs that the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th Ethical Perspectives are all living in.

And once you start to see the 12 Ethics, once you start to understand the Progression of Human Growth and Evolution, suddenly, so much about the world makes sense…

And you really start to detest Perspective Abuse and the premature enforcement of an Ethic onto another long before the Individual is ready for it. To do so, causes the most severe of Trauma and Mental Illness.

This is Ethical IQ.


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