Course Content
The Great Societal Shift : Welcome To The Age of Authenticity
The Learning Journey Of The Discovered Self
About Lesson

On the days that we’re tired and “The Grind” is getting to us, it’s important that we not push through.

That is our body and Mind saying to us, “It’s time to rest. You have come so far. You have so much more to go. Rest.”

Self-Regulation is the surrender of the Need of Pursuit, for the Need of Rest.

I feel the pressure of my Mission and Goals. I feel the list of things I have to do, but my body says “Wait. No. You have to stop. Shut down for now and stand tomorrow.”

It is in these moments that I realize what time it really is for.

Time. It means so much more than we realize.

Enjoyment. Savoring the Victory.

Often, we mistake these “burnt out” moments as fall down and sleep. But, for me, it’s the time to Enjoy and Savor.

I sit with my coffee. I reflect on the Road Behind me. And I breathe deep the smell of my coffee. I let my Agenda rest.

I embrace the 7th Ethic.

We say “Rest,” but really. I think it was supposed to be “Enjoy and Savor.”

Words have such power over us. The wrong words enslave us. The right words, they free us. The well-placed words, they inspire us.

Some days, I feel like we are just in a kind of “Word Warfare.” Each word battling for control of the Mind. The Collective Consciousness is at War. “Which reality is “right!?” it screams. “Which Lifestyle is “right!?” it screams.

And the push-back is high from Free-Spirits. It will get higher.

No… Not today… Mother Nature calls, I have something else that I must say to you.

Step into my world with me, and I will show you what I see…

I grew up outside of the System.

My Mind is Untouched by The System.

Do you understand the implications of what that means?

I lived, for 32 years inside a place where The System could not touch me.

My Perspective is Unique.

I have the luxury of looking in to your Societal World as an Outsider, my Mind untouched by Societal Ways. And when I did, at last, choose to step into your Society, I could feel how much it clashed with the Natural Mind.

I felt it twist and force my Mind into ways that were never meant for Man, but I fought it, I studied it, and then, I stepped back out and watched some more.

My Perspective is unique.

Human People belong to Nature. They do not belong to “The System.”

Many people — Free Spirits — today are fighting the System, and their Obedient Loved Ones are fighting back. The abuse is great. The hatred is high. The intolerance is painful.

And I wish to step in gently, place my foot down in the center and just, shush and calm the anger. I wish to just whisper the words, “There is an invisible War that every one of you is fighting. None of you have spoken its name. It must be given Name.”

I know the Power of a Name. Shakespeare tried to tell you, but no one listened.

“What’s in a Name?”

Did you not think on this?

What is inside of a Name is Energy. Is Identity. Is The Point of Comprehension. You say its Name and you will Understand. But you have to say the Right Name.

The Nature has called so many of you. And you’re craving the ways of The Natural Homo Sapien Sapien.

But Those Loyal to The System are scared.

“No! We need them to survive! Who will work the jobs and the factories!? Who will deliver and who will teach? Who will sustain The System should the Free-Spirits leave!?”

“I had to give my life to The System! I had to kill my Dreams! Why do I have to kill my Dreams, while they live theirs instead!?”

And so those most Loyal to the System abuse and cling to the people who are turning back toward Nature. And the Mental Health Crisis soars.

“You’re not special!” they scream. “You have to get in line like everybody else! If I can’t have my Identity, then neither can you! It has to be equal and fair!”

sigh Equal. Fair. Already, those most Loyal to the System can feel the 7th, 8th, and 9th Ethic hard at work within. They sense it. “Equal and Fair.” We call that “Justice”

The Mind will move and Focus where ever the Word is spoken. And right now, I wish for you to look right here.

Every one of us has Logic inside of us.

And Logic is fast. It is faster than the speed of Synapses. Logic is so fast, that it moves faster than our words and our Comprehension can process the “Why.” Which is a problem.

When your Logic is faster than you can Understand, you lose the Words and the Names. And thus, you Lose Comprehension.

So a person really needs to learn how to learn faster than their Logic. Because if they don’t, then they will not understand. And Understanding always leads to Not Knowing, which always leads to Fear.

Education and Nutritional Knowledge cures Fear, did you know?

The Education is so bad in this world that most people don’t know that Physics and Nature are the same thing. Physics is called “The Natural Science.” And Physics is the Logical Behavior of Nature, and of Force and Energy. And When we say “Nature Calls” we are really saying “The Force of Physics is Pulling us back to where we belong because we are living unaligned to Nature and we are a part of Nature.”

We don’t “go back” to Nature.

We are Nature.

We have forgotten.

But the System is not Natural at all, and our lively hoods depend on it, people think. So when those most Loyal to the System see their Loved Ones and others pulling away from the System, Self-Preservation kicks in, and Those who are Loyal get scared.

“What about The System!?” they are all screaming, but… There is something most people do not yet know or understand.

They System adapts and it changes. It is not a solid rock of fortitude. It cannot be. And if it does not change, then it will fall, which is what is happening. But the System is the People. And where the People move, the System will follow or it will break.

The System is not a Rigid Way, set in stone for all to follow. The System is not the Archetype that commands its Order for all to Conform.

The Law and Order is not at all the Spinal Cord of The System.

Physics, Logic, Truth, and Ethics are.

The System is not at all breaking. Only the Unethical parts are. As we heal, the bad parts break off, and reveal The Good Beneath. Just like in a Person.

The System has its own Healing Journey, and it can scare those who depend on it.

What those most Loyal to the System most fear is the loss of Law and Order. Because they do not know that Law and Order do not come from Enforcement. It comes from Homo Sapien Sapien instead. It comes from Physics, which is what really governs us all.

Have you ever broken a Law of Physics? Can you? Try. See what happens.

“But then why do all people, most people, commit crime and why do they hurt others!?”

Because Ethical Law and Natural Order come from Natural Education. But Natural Education has been lost for many years. And now, no one knows about Ethical Law and Natural Order, although many of us can feel it.

It is the inherent “Good” inside of us that each and every one of us desires. It is the deep, longing and desire to be a Good Person, and our dedication to do Good, no matter what.

Even without our Conscious knowledge of Ethical Law and Natural Order, we have strived to be good. So many of us are rising up, above the greed and the material to say, “No! Human Kind is so much more than this! What is it? Who we are!? What are we all for?! What is The Purpose to Life!? The Universe!? And Everything!? What is it all For!?”

You are right, I wish to say. We are so much more. The problem is, the words don’t yet exist to give them to you.

Words are birthed like people.

They come to us in need.

And only when we feel a feeling, only when we see a dream, do the need for words come forth.

Think about the iPhone. Think about the Tesla Coil or Wifi. You think Tesla saw the Vision and said, “Whoa! I’ve invented Wifi!?”

More like he said, “Whoa! I see this…. THING! IN my head! AND IT’S COOL! What do I call it!?”

Sigh… It is… a feeling like no other. To See something that is so AMAZING, but that has no name in which you can describe it to another.

Welcome to my purgatory.

It’s long and frustrating.

And words take longer to birth than dreams.

Words take longer to form.

So we will feel what we feel, and see the dreams we see,

long before the words will come to give name to what you “Know.”


I am a Linguist, and I studied Word. Words do not at all evolve. As a Scientist who literally has the Formula of Evolution, words do not at all Evolve.

What words do is Build and Stack to form new words instead.

Words are Vessels that carry energy. Words are just like art.

And when a word is gifted to you, it’s the energy that is the true gift.

So here I am, trying to translate Feeling and Dream to you. That I can see and hear so many, many people share.

These are the Words.

We have forgotten that Human People are Nature.

We have forgotten Knowledge lost to us.

And the Knowledge is returning. Fast.

But no own knows the Name of the Knowledge.

But they feel it. But not everyone. Not yet. But they will.

I have the Name of that Knowledge.

But words must be laid liked stepping stones, because all of understanding is Logical, pre-requisitional, and progressional. You cannot miss a step.

For when you skip a Knowledge Stone, you have a Comprehension Gap instead.

So I must take great care to lay each stone so you may understand just what it is that is going on, and happening to us all.

Nature’s Knowledge is returning. And it has been so long since you or I or anyone has spoken The Name of This Knowledge.

“What does this mean for Society!? What does this mean for Man!?”

It means that somethings will need to change, but slowly, gently.

I have a plan. And it is already in motion.

To fully understand all that I have learned, I had to build a new language, which I call Abstractic, just to understand.

But no one speaks Abstratic. Only Physicists and Scientists do.

So I have to find the words of Layman to translate it all to you.

This letter is one of many. As I find the words.

But it is imperative that you do not miss a step.

For when you skip a Knowledge Stone, you have a Comprehension Gap instead.

Let’s leave it here. We’ll call this, “Stone One.” And I’ll post this on my blog.

And when I’m ready to write Stone Two, I’ll post it here for you.

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