The Narcissist Cure

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Welcome to The Narcissist Cure!

Everything I have that is Narcissist related to get your through The Narcissist Purge, is here.

As I create more helpful tools, I add them here.

The hardest thing people have to adjust to is the “contagiousness” of Narcissism, but also, the realization of what “Empathy” really is. “The Possession” or “Consumption” does too good a job hiding from everyone. The Narcissist most of all.

It is the Narcissist who is always last to know that they are a Narcissist.

It took me 5 months to get rid of mine. The core focus? Change your Language.

#1 Sign that “you’ve got it?”

  1. Narcissists Isolate.
  2. Narcissists speak in the 3rd Person almost exclusively.
  3. Narcissists have an overwhelming desire to withdraw and seclude.

This Course strips the Delusion and shows you the bare, naked truth of Narcissism.

You want my advice? Hate Narcissism more than anything else and commit to ridding yourself of every vile drop of it.

Good luck! I’m cheering for you!

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What Will You Learn?

  • - Story Stepping
  • - Disciplined Projection
  • - Objectivity : Subjectivity
  • - Identity Placement
  • - Perspective Scope Control
  • - Authority
  • How To Recognize Narcissism In the Language
  • How To Change Your Language

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