First, direct your Clients to The 12 Ethics and The Truth Purge Challenge. They need to talk about their Lies. They have to confess what they did wrong to others. Not what was done to them.
If your clients are concerned about Sanctuary, direct them to a Confessional. I am working with Religious Leaders to receive them.
Have them use YouTube to do the #TruthPurgeChallenge. This is vital.
DIY Healing is the only thing we can do to empower Self-Authority and Independence and to end the Toxic Enabling in the Coaching / Psychology field.
If you want to Integrate Triadic Healing into your Practice or Profession, focus on Support Groups, Hands-On Community Activities, with Private DIY Healing as the Individual Walks themselves through The Radical Global Healing Plan.
Restoration and Education on The Life Journey is Vital to this.
Turn your Practice into a Classroom. Preferably a Group Classroom, where you walk your Clients/Patients through “The Game” and help Plugin the missing components of their Education.
Help your Clients restore Their Life Journey.
I also invite you to join me every day on my podcast where I provide Assignments, direction, and guided walkthroughs on Triadic Healing.
- Take care of yourself First.
Share and invite other Healers to The Radical Global Healing Plan.
I do not acknowledge Freudian Psychology. It is dead to me.