Course Content
Your Radical Global Healing Plan : Walkthrough
About Lesson

The Salmon of Knowledge is for you. 

I have built an entire Education Standard for Uganda and Nigeria. I strongly recommend you follow it to the Letter. 

Give up the title “Teacher” and adopt the Title “NPC” or “Facilitator.” 

Become a life-Learner and set the example for your Students. 

Take Plato’s Curriculum.

True Teachers and Educators are those committed to The Asha Journey and who rise to meet that standard. 

All others are Narcissist Posers lecturing down to the Disadvantage for their Ego.

DIY Teaching is the only thing we can do to empower Self-Authority and Independence and to end the Toxic Enabling in the Teaching Industry.

Turn your Classroom into a Psychologically Safe Place. 

Help your Students restore Their Life Journey.

I also invite you to join me every day on my podcast where I provide Assignments, direction, and guided walkthroughs on Triadic Healing.

  • Take care of yourself First. 

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