The Town Cryer

Welcome to The Healing Garden and Alexandria’s Directory, “The Town Cryer”

Here is where you can read up on Events, News, Upcoming Announcements… Everything within Alexandria, PANDO, and The Healing Garden! 

If you are new to The Healing Garden, welcome! 

News and Events

The Healing Garden’s Healing Saturnalia and Cyber-Convention 16, 17, and 18 August 2024

     The All-In-One Healing Convention. Free to the Public. Kick Start the Healing Reformation in August 2024!

The Radical Global Healing Plan 

     This is Ongoing and we are always looking to welcome new arrivals. Contact Anna here

The Healing Engine and The Healing Reformation: Reform to Transform

     This is Ongoing and we are always looking to welcome new arrivals. Contact Anna here

Contact Anna

Anna can be contacted on LinkedIn, Facebook, or email at annaimaginationnyc [at] gmail [dot] com

Anna’s Services 

Anna does Public Speaking, Consultations, and Masterclasses. She has 20+ years in Theater and Stage. News and Stages need to Contact Anna here


Here is The Healing Garden Map:

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“Please… Anna. I want to help.” … Get Involved

Many people love what we do at the Garden so much that they want to become a part of it on the Inside. We warmly welcome any and all who wish to help.

We need:

    • Ship Captains for bringing people to the Garden’s Respite Center.
    • Idea Generators for our Think Tank. We provide you with the Platform, but “If You Think It, You Lead It.” We give you the Resources and the Training to do so.
    • Lightworkers who want to Integrate Triadic Healing into their Healing Agenda via The Healing Garden Franchise
    • Angel Investors who are so passionate about our Goal, Journey, and Mission, that they want to become part of our Garden through Monetary Funding.
    • Ethical Sponsorship for Ad Placement for those who’s monetary sponsorship will help us launch our Fleet across the Wilderness of Nothing.
    • Collaborations with other Businesses who want to align and connect The Garden with their Business in our Nurture-For-Nurture/Value-For-Value Exchange Agreement

Subscribe to The Healing Garden Newsletter to receive all updates and new material on Triadic Healing and The Healing Garden.

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