The Basic Day would have three rotations.
- Art (Art)
- Story (Logic)
- Theory (Science)
Art would be the rotation of Musics, Art, and Theater and Stage. The Goal is to hone the Intuition, Translation, and Communication. (Origin and Past)
Story would be Your Story and the Building of Your Story. We focus on Art to train our Communication to tell and share our Stories and to receive other Stories.
This is the Great Books, The Reading and Writing, The Linguistics and Logic. The Writing and Planning of Your Education and Your Story.
This is the Sequence and Ordering… the Why and How of Story. (The Present and Now)
And then the third part of the Day is Discovery, Exploration, and Pioneering to build the way for New Story. (The Future). It’s applying all we learned to Create, Build, and Invent new Ideas and Solutions for Problems.
Later, this will be Science.
Many of the Disciplines can be — should be — integrated.