Course Content
Your Perspective Scope
Triadic Healing Part #1
About Lesson

This Course Outline

1 – The Course Outline : The Steps Ahead of You

The Preparation

2 – Preparing You For Breaking Delusion : The Tools For Your Transition and Journey (With Your Plan)


3 – Theory : The Delusion Mindset and The False Authority

4 – Theory : The Point of Comprehension and The Rod of Truth

5 – Theory : The Natural Learning Journey and the Defined Self

The Doing For When You Are Ready

6 – Deconstruction of Delusion: Breaking The Delusion Mindset / Transferring Your Power Back To You

5 – Deconstruction of Delusion: Transition And Grief / Normalizing and Recalibrating You

6 – The Natural Learning Journey and the Defined Self

7 – The 12 Ethical Stages of Natural Growth


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