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The Legend of King Arthur
The 2,000 Year War on Education
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If there is still magic in this world, it is in Ireland. – Anna Imagination

The áes dána, the men of art. Art, in this sense (and also, in the sense of Plato) consisted of elite scholars trained in druids, brehon (law men), poets and bards (there is a difference), historians, doctors, and craftsmen.

The áes dána were Irish Philosophers.

“Among the áes dána were the filid, or intellectual poets. They were much more than mere versifiers. They were thinkers, and in some instances, juridicial thinkers, and they crystallized into poetic form a wide range of important matters for oral transmission, like geneological tables of chiefs of tuatha, stories about leading men and women, past and present, mythological and real, language grammar and vocabulary, traditions, customs, aspects of law Brehon Law and so forth. As has been said, they were the voice of authority, but their poetic compositions were delivered not so much by themselves as another sector of the áes dána, the bards, who are the mouthpieces of the filid. Bards were orators and reciters who went through long training and bardic schools, which had intensive courses and memorizing.


It is one of the earliest works of any kind in this form. It emerged at a time when scholars in Ireland were beginning to write things down, a landmark in communication in which the filid played the leading role and which was to have a lasting influence. Indeed, it had been said that the filid did more than any other agency to sustain the survival of the Gaelic language and tradition right down to the 17th century.
During the first quarter of the fifth century, there were enough practicing Christians in Ireland to attract the attention of headquarters at Rome. The number is not known, the Christians were under no sort of organization, and there were no leaders, unless some initiatives were taken by one or two Druids who found the faith intellectually interesting, but left no record.”
A History of Ireland by Peter and Fiona Somerset Fry
ISBN 9781566192156
Ireland had the same knowledge, the 12 Ethics and The God Code as Plato. 
When St. Patrick arrived, what he did was preserve the last surviving Knowledge of Alexandria. 
While the rest of the Western World was plunged into a Dark Ages saturated with ignorance, Ireland flourished to the point of painting their books in gold. 
By the 10th Century, The High Kings of Ireland ate alongside the peasants and servants as equals. The Hierarchy in Ireland, by the 10th Century had ended. 
That is the 6th Ethical Perspective Stage of Human Growth and Evolution. 
While Western Europe was in the 2nd Ethical Stage, Ireland continued to Ethically Evolve. By the 17th Century, they had reached the 9th Ethic.
Today, my research shows that the people of Ireland who were born and raised there, are of the 10th Ethic, struggling with Emotional Fluidity… unless they have a few beers in them, one Irish lass told me with a laugh.
“Music is how we connect,” she said. I interviewed their parenting. I interviewed their Ethical Mindset. It was amazing. Like speaking to our future Ethical generations. So very different. Ethical Compassion and Love preserved right up until the 17th Century, when the last bard died.
The Irish never had a Dark Ages. They are our Control Group for the 12 Ethical Perspective Stages of Human Growth and Evolution.
This is what St. Patrick really did for All of Mankind. He gave me my Control Group.
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