Course Content
The Teacher’s Journey
Triadic Healing Part #2 : Parent, Teacher, Healer, Entrepreneur
About Lesson

Every choice we make comes from Education and Understanding of Chain Reactions. We need to be taught HOW we are connected. And How this connection affects ourselves and each other and why we should care. 

But this begins with Self-Love. The 12 Ethics nurture that Self-Love and are the steps taken by every single one of us toward Self-Love. 

Once Self-Love and Education are in place, we need to rethink everything we thought we new about Networking. Networking is not “talking to find business partners.”

Society IS a Network. It is a Philosophy, a Purpose, a Mission, and a Dedication to provide Resources to the People within that Network to nourish them. 

A Family is a Network. A Club is a Network. You and I, right now, are in a Network. The only ones who are exempt from this are Hermits. 

A Network should be working for you. Providing you with Resources. There are Five types of Societal Resources and most Networks don’t provide any of these. People simple don’t know about any of this.

But businesses are at a HUGE advantage! They are already in a PERFECT position to utilize this tool and not one of them do. NOT. ONE. With the right plan and Ethical Desire, a Business can be turned into a Resource Center with the Highest Quality of Education and Mental Health facility that surpasses anything else out there. 

Now THAT is good business.

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